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Image Comments posted by plangereis

    bird 5.JPG


    These guys were all over the place while in Mexico. This was taken

    near the pool area of the resort in our favorite little town, Rincon

    de Guayabitos.



    I took this shot of my wife, Mary, while we were in Fort Langley,

    having afternoon tea. Please let me know what you think.

    Sail Study


    These sails have always intrigued me. I was happy to have the clouds

    in the background as they provided a textural contrast to the sails.

    I felt B&W was appropriate because there was very little colour in the

    shot to begin with. What do you think?

  1. A shot while in Kauai. We caught this opportunity as we were leaving

    the canyon because the clouds were coming in. I just happened to look

    to the right and catch the "white streak" (the waterfall) and talked

    my friend into turning back to check it out. Please let me know what

    you think.



    Beautiful shot!  I love the lighting, and the way the eye is in shadow, but that the catchlight provides the focal point.  The make-up and hair are also very well done.  I love it.

  2. I found a nostalgic kind of humour in this shot. It reminded me of

    the days when my brothers and I would rig up all sorts of challenges

    when we were kids! This was taken one fall morning near the South

    Surrey bike park. Let me know what you think?



    One of my first portraits. It was the result of a "natural light"

    monthly theme our club had. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

    Distant Shower


    A front over the north end of the Big Island. I liked that you could

    see the heavy rain below the clouds, and the blue sky above. Let me

    know what you think.

  3. I took this shot in the Kitsilano area, when the children's festival

    was happening. My friend's wife spotted this, and i could not resist

    taking a few frames. I had to shoot over a fairly high chain-link

    fence so it is not as clean as I would have liked. Someone had

    obviously played with some og the letters in this sign!



    Thanks an.  I am sort of torn between these two versions.  I love this one, but the colour version is also striking in different ways.  Glad you liked the explanation, too!  Cheers, mate.

  4. I love this shot, a n.  I had to look twice to figure it out, which is a good quality in an image for me.  You really have the knack for macro work, and this image really highlights that.  I would hang this on my wall any day.

  5. I like the monotone feel, and the composition of this shot, an.  The fence and path provide  nice leading lines into the shot, and the composition is very pleasing to the eye.  Thanks for sharing this one!

    Surfing 3


    I was at a beach about ten minutes north of the resort we were staying

    in Kauai. It was our last day in Hawaii, and I had been wanting to

    get a few surfing shots. Well, this was the one day the surf was up

    enough to get a significant number of surfers at this beach. I liked

    the dynamics in this shot, and how the rooster tail shot out behind

    this guy. Let me know what you think. Cheers.



    I took this shot in Stanley Park, BC. I noticed this couple, and

    followed the girls seemingly distance from her boyfriend at times.

    She would be on her cell phone, watching passer-bys etc. Her

    boyfriend seemed oblivious to this, and very content to have his head

    on her lap. I thought about trying a different angle, but I did not

    want to let on that I was shooting them as I notice people act

    differently when they know someone is taking a photo of them.

  6. A shot I took in New Westminster, BC. I liked the colour contrast

    between the shopping cart items, and the rest of the scene. I also

    felt that the shape of the cart was echoed by the window, and that the

    torn tar paper was sort of symbolic of someone's life gone astray.

    Thanks for stopping by.



    I like this portrait.  The body position countered by the girl staring up at almost a 90 degree angle to the body has impact.  The expression is priceless, as well, and the slight tension in both hands leads one to wonder what she is looking at.  Nice shot!

  7. I love the perspective of this shot, Axel.  When looking at the thumbnail I thought it was a shot looking up in a downtown area where there were high rise buildings.  This may be a nice B&W as well.  There are such subtle light shifts in the shadow areas.  Congrats.

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