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Image Comments posted by plangereis

    Abandoned Pier


    Thanks Daniel.  This is one of my favorites of this section as well.  I liked the repeated pattern of the pilings, and the visible layers of barnacles to reveal tide lines.  I had taken some shots from higher up, but kept coming back to this one because of the lower perspective.  I felt it made the viewer more a part of the environment, and got rid of any distractions behind the structure.  Thanks again for stopping by.

  1. Thanks Rashed.  These two individuals are such great people in general.  It was nice to see this moment, especially since the hubby had been so busy with the Olympics.  Cheers.


  2. One of the wider shots of this area I have seen as many photographers go in closer.  What I really like about this is the inclusion of the green vegetation at the bottom right corner.  This provides a sense of scale.  The lighting is perfect, and I love all the detail in the hills, such as the bands of earth.  The larger version is a must!  Thanks for sharing this one.




    Very nice image, Yalcin.  I am a total fan of these kinds of B&W long exposures.  I am curious about exposure time.  Initially I was not sure about all the room around the posts, but I realized that this created the emptiness and desolate feel of the area, or at least the impression of it.  The sky is wonderful.  Cheers.




    When I saw the thumbnail, I was attracted to the composition.  Looking at the large version, I really love it.  Nice clean reflection.  I like how the water is really getting the attention.  You get caught up in the reflection, and realize that it is a product of a quality still water has.  Nice warm light, and the detail is fantastic.  I also like the otherwise, solo cloud.  Just enough to make the sky interesting, but not take the main focus away.  Great image!

  3. Thanks Rajkumar.  I would have liked to get a better angle on this shot, not that I am really complaining about this perspective.  I would have liked to have been able to get separation between the rocks in the lower right third, and the angle of the light would have forced me to shoot into the sun, which I did not want in the final image.  There was also a park sign just to my right, which I had to keep out of the frame.  Maybe on a lower tide early one morning.  Cheers.

    Selment Lake


    Hi Pawel.  This is a really strong image.  I love the composition, and how the striking contrast between the boats and the rest of the image work together to create a really quiet mood.  I like the slight ripple on the water in areas as it brings the suggestion of a light breeze.  Thanks for sharing this.



    I love this shot.  Not only are the colours rich and contrasty, but the great perspective of this shot makes it dynamic.  The guy at the end of the old pier was a total bonus.  Nice work!  Could be slightly over-sharpened, not that it would detract from the overall excellence of this shot.  Love it!



    I took this shot while waiting for a couple of friends that were

    coming down from the Queen Charlotte Islands last Christmas. I

    noticed this guy standing alone, stretching, but always watching the

    info boards. I wondered what he was going through. Thanks for

    stopping by.

  4. Thanks for the comments, Bela.  I am torn on these two as to which one I like better.  They both offer different perspectives, and are both interesting in the shift in lighting etc.  I wasn't sure about the line of water that runs under the horizontal logs in the lower third.  The more I look at it, the more I like that feature, especially the way it contrasts with the textures in the sky.  Take care, and thanks again for dropping in to have a look.


    Pilings 1


    Hi Len,


    Thanks for the comments on this shot, Len.  I was of two minds about it, especially the amount of sky, but when I played with it in SFX Pro, and played with the filters in that program, I realized that there was enough interest in most areas.  I agree that some horizontal compositions would also be nice to see.  I will have to look back to see if I have any.  Maybe, maybe not.  The location is close by, so I can always go back another day.  : )  Cheers.


  5. A shot of our friends at their anniversary celebration. Gord is 6'

    10". I have not done many portraits, but thought this shot captured

    their affection for one another. I would love some feedback on this one.

  6. Hi Susan.  I was browsing your portfolio again and noticed this one.  I know you did not ask for a critique, but this is what I see.  I like the subject, and that it is totally isolated.  I also like that the foreground, hut, and water for a lower third.  Things I would change: Level the horizon line; center the hut for a more symmetrical look; do some post work in the sky to bring the exposure down in that area.  There is so much potential for this image.  Nice work.

    Mauna Kea 2


    Thanks for the comments, Daniel.  I did not use a polarizer in this shot, and I agree that the foreground serves very little purpose.  I wish I had time to take a shot from another perspective, but my friend was a little frantic so I had to shoot these quite quickly.  Thanks again for the comments.  They are very appreciated.  Also, I am glad you enjoyed my portfolio.  Cheers.



    Great shot.  The expression in the girl's face is priceless, and the depth of field really nice.  Is this an HDR image?  It looks like it to me, in a good way.  The sharpening looks a little over done as there is a fine dark line around the entire girl.  Great impact in this image.  Congrats.



    Hi Paweel.  I like this shot for a few reasons.  The lines in the field bring your eye across the frame, and that lone tree really stands out against the sky.  I also like the use of the vignette, although I find it a little overbearing.  Yet, that is only one persons opinion, and you know how personal biases get in the way.  The sky is interesting as well, and it looks like you did a long exposure because of the way the sky looks.  The overall mood is desolate, which I like as well.

    little chapel...


    I love the lighting in the image, but I agree with some of the others about the chapel looking a little surreal.  The scale seems out in comparison to the trees, and the blue spot is a bit distracting.  Was it Photoshopped in?  Interesting.



    I agree with everything that Lorrie said.  Nice shot, but some smoke at the end of the cigarette would have made this great image even stronger.  NIce B&W conversion, and the tonal range is excellent.

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