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Image Comments posted by plangereis

    Mauna Kea 2


    This shot was taken at the top of Mauna Kea this past spring break.

    When I took the original photos my friend was getting light-headed so

    we started heading back down the volcano. When we were about 5

    minutes down i realized that I had accidentally changed the ISO to

    3200, which I was not happy with. Well, I eventually talked my friend

    into going back up so i could quickly take some similar shots. I was

    rushing a bit, but still liked this shot of one of the telescopes at

    the summit. Let me know what you think.

  1. Hi Len.  This one really caught my eye as I was browsing your portfolio.  But then I am a sucker for B&W photos!  Love the perspective, and the tonal range is awesome.  I agree that it was worth waiting for that solo cloud.  I started thinking if more clouds would have been better, but I decided that this lonely guy was perfect as it creates visual interest in the sky without detracting from the main subject.  Nice!

    Mallard Lake 2


    Thanks Len and a n for your comments.  Len, I process the majority of my images in Lightroom2, and then do the B&W conversions in Silver Efex pro.  The sky, which was quite blown out in the original, was treated initially in Lightroom using the adjustment brush a number of times to bring back the detail there.  Then I used the "high structure" preset in Silver Efex to do the conversion.  I find that this preset is pretty aggressive, so I tend to back off the contrast and structure sliders quite a bit.  All the sharpening is done in Lightroom before I send the image to Siver Efex Pro.

    A n,  I will definitely let you know when my friend and I are heading your way.  We figured we would go to Palouse for a weekend, so if that is possible for you it would be great to have you along.  Where about in Washington State do you live?  That area looks so dreamy in the photos I have seen on this site, and others.  Take care you two!


  2. I think the silhouetted mosques are perfect.  The only slight distraction is the slight edge of the building on the right edge of the shot.  You could crop this out easily.  The sky is very dramatic, and the colours sensual.  Nice shot!



    A shot I took last fall while in Tofino. These oars were on each

    building at Middlebeach Lodge, where we were staying while in that

    area. I liked the colour contrast, and tried to frame the shot in a

    symmetrical manner. I had to time the shot right with respect to the

    shadow of the chain to maintain the symmetry. Let me know what you think!

    Pilings 2


    While in Richmond, BC, my friend and I came across many of these

    pilings. I am assuming they were used to tie up log booms, barges,

    and boats while the area was used by many canneries for the fishing

    industry in the area. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.



    After looking at all the cropped versions, and then at the original, I like the original mainly because, as others have mentioned, the boy provides a very animated moment for the couple that were married. If I was the groom I would love to revisit the original because of this. This does not mean I do not like the cropped versions, but that the shot is for the couple. As far as the out-of-focus people in the background, I like that there is a division between the doves and the people. For me the event at this moment in the wedding is all about the doves, so why not keep them frozen in time. One can still feel the responses from the onlookers, even though they are not the focus. A great photo for discussion, and some very good points being brought forward. I keep learning the more I read this post. Thanks, everyone, for that. : )



    Hi Ivaylo.  I like what you are trying to convey in this image: heaven.  I like that the scale of the building is obviously small in this grand area, and that the building is isolated in the middle of nowhere.  Yet. I am yearning for more mountain area to be observable to reinforce the scale and the breadth of the area you took this shot.  A more interesting sky would have been nice as well, but those are only my feelings.  The area looks fantastic, though, and the photo is clean in terms of detail.

  3. Hi Tomasz.  I guess I will have to come to Europe to find a boat like that on a beach!  Nice details and lighting, and I like how you used the rope on both the boat and the the landing apparatus as leading lines in to the shot.  The one thing I found a little distracting is the lone rock in the water on the left edge that has been cut off.  Minor detail in a splendid shot, though.  All the best.

  4. Hi Ryan.  I just commented on Zack's photo of Palouse, which was equally magical in terms of lighting and composition.  I really like how you have included the earth areas as well as the grass fields (I am assuming they are grassy areas!).  The lines created by this contrast really lead one's eye around the image.  Like I said in my comment to Zack, this is one area I want to visit in the near future.  Nice work.

  5. Hi Zack.  A great shot.  Love the warm light, and the early shot really enhances the topography of this magical area, which is on my bucket list to visit one day.  Any suggestions on the best time of year to visit Palouse? : )



    Nature's Beauty


    Lovely shot, Douglas.  The ice patch in the foreground has a wonderful pattern of swirls, and sets the tone for the temperature at the time this was taken.  The details and lighting are also very nice.  Congrats on a great shot.

    Mallard Lake 2


    Thanks so much a n.  I also like this version better than the coloured version.  Where were you when on Vancouver Island?  Thanks for the comments, and happy shooting.

    The road ahead


    I agree with what Stephen said about cropping to a square.  If the sky was more interesting you could have left it the way it is, but since the road is your focus you need to reduce the sky.

    Yosemite Falls


    I am no pro, but I like what you did with this shot.  I like the contrast between the tree in the foreground and the fall and cliffs in the background.  The only distraction is the tiny piece of foliage in the lower right-hand corner.  I would clone this out. 

    Ash Cave


    This is an amazing shot, Bryan.  I agree that this would be a hard scene to record, but you have done it wonderfully.  The B&W treatment is excellent.  A very inspiring image for me!

  6. This is the kind of scene I keep looking for, but can never find!  Nice colour contrast, and composition.  There is such a nice movement in this shot, which is reflected in the cloud and shape of the hill.  Excellent shot.

  7. The lighting and composition of this shot are great, and the textures in the rock make for a wonderful B&W shot.  I also like the overall tonality, and the soft texture of the sky, and how it contrasts with the rock surface.  Very nice!

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