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Everything posted by bebu_lamar

  1. <p>Due to the cult status of the K1000 I can't recommend it.<br> The OM-1 is great but the controls are not standards.<br> The SRT-101 is fine camera.<br> The A-1 while nice it's too complex for beginner. </p>
  2. <p>Probably true but using the sunny 16 at ISO200 it should be 1/200 f/16 and not 1/250 f/16.</p>
  3. <p>As far as Nikon goes I think there is only one lens the 17-55 f/2.8.</p>
  4. <p>Christmas tree is a low light subject and is not a bright subject.</p>
  5. <p>Constant temperature water bath isn't difficult to make any more due to inexpensive temperature controllers available today. However, even with constant water bath the chemical temperature is not constant. </p>
  6. <p>You should use the full size image from the camera. Crop them first so that they contain just what you want. Then you resize them to the size you want.<br> What I am trying to say it I can fairly safely assume that you camera can take images of 16MP at least. The final images to be posted on the website I can also assume that they are less than 2MP. So crop first and even after the crop I think all of them are still larger than 2MP. Then resize to the size needed on the website. If you use a monitor of no higher resolution than 1920x1080 you can't see any pixelated affect doing this.</p>
  7. <p>I agree an F3 with damaged shutter is worth nothing. If you paid anything for it try to get the money back. Repair the F3 would cost more than another good one.</p>
  8. <p>I don't think you should photograph the art work. Although the rule doesn't allow it I think photographing the museum itself is OK.</p>
  9. <p>If I shoot B&W I wouldn't use a lab to make my print. I would have to do it myself. The A6300 isn't that expensive and the cost of the A6300 won't buy you that much film and processing. About 3000 shots.</p>
  10. <p>Nikon has discontinued View NX-2. I don't know exactly what's the replacement is (NX-D, NX-I??) but since I don't like them I still use NX-2. I am not sure any version of NX-2 would work with D750 RAW files but the version that came with the Df wasn't the last NX-2. </p>
  11. <p>Sandy none of us has any inside information from Nikon (unless Shun does but he pretends that he doesn't) so we don't know what is going to happen. But for guessing I can guess that you will not buy what is rumored to be the Df2. Of course we have to wait for quite sometime to find that out.</p>
  12. <p>Nikon will have to replace the D750 with new model some time in the future but I think they would do that to the D610 and D810 before the D750.</p>
  13. <p>They are light meters. I think you should buy neither or both because I don't think it's a good idea to buy them to use. If you collect them then you should buy both as they look nice. To check a light meter compare reading with a known good light meter.</p>
  14. <p>As long as how long the camera really last. I have cameras bought since 2001 and still functioning like new today. </p>
  15. <p>The term "Last for a while" needs to be redefined for digital cameras. <br> 1. It can be how long would the camera last before something breaks.<br> 2. It can be how long would I want to use the same cameras while there are so many newer/better cameras out there.</p>
  16. <p>I would think the XT is easier to use. The Sony 6xxx seems difficult to use.</p>
  17. <p>Well the AF-S is less expensive and I do like to use the aperture ring even with my Df.</p>
  18. <p>Thanks Shun! I think I will get a 300mm f/4 AF-S. I can use it on all my cameras. </p>
  19. <p>Is there a G lens that requires the in body motor to focus?</p>
  20. <p>The words comming from the paper backing? I asked because I have used abused 35mm film and do have problems but not this type.</p>
  21. <p>30 years ago the Canon A-1 body only is near $400 when new. So if you apply inflation the Panasonic is much less expensive.</p>
  22. <p>If the main subjects are the paintings may be you can use a tripod? People will be blurred but may be acceptable. With a tripod you can get down to 1 or 1/2 second exposure. </p>
  23. <p>I think Peter meant that the 9V battery in the Luna Pro SBC is much better than the Mercury battery in the older Luna Pro. Of course the 9V battery isn't as nice as the AA battery in the Minolta IV F. However, if you compare the SBC to the Minolta flashmeter III with 6 EPX76 it's much cheaper. </p>
  24. <p>I would use 100 unless you like the grain. I don't think the sunset or the clouds move that fast. I can use a tripod if my hand is shaky.</p>
  25. <p>All my digital cameras are still working with the oldest one bought in 2001. I had a microwave oven (a cheap one) since 1995 and it was still working when I moved and gave it away in 2011. My current microwave oven which is in my current home built in 2003 and it's still the original one.<br> If you want to throw things away that is up to you. You just don't have to.</p>
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