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Everything posted by arthur_mcculloch2

  1. Luis Triguez, the last shot is very good. A last couple of some faces. Regards, Arthur (apiarist1).
  2. With a voigtlander prominent and 100mm dynaron (the dynaron was a 'gift' from an epreyer off whom I bought a 35mm lens. The 100mm lens had some fungus and the start of separation in the front lens cluster. The fungus cleaned off ok). I'll post shots of the camera soon. HP5 developed in Ilfosol 3, yellow filter on the lens. I wished the prominent had an EVF with focus peaking to make up for my failing eyesight. Regards, Arthur (apiarist1).
  3. After the mayhem, some photos from me. Same routine, monochrom, etc. I have a conceit, to try to be a sort of amanuensis, recording the ravages of time and circumstance on the faces of uncelebrated people, flawed faces, faces to which something happened. Regards, Arthur (apiarist1 - I've just got another colony of bees, so can keep the nom-de-plume).
  4. The last image of Wayne, a person who occasionally did work around the house for me. A knockabout fellow, he has gone to the metropolis. Regards, Arthur (apiarist1.
  5. Thanks for posting these images, Niels. I'd agree with you. Where I'd expected something obvious to show up, it didn't. I'd be interested in hearing other thoughts and experiences. Regards, Arthur.
  6. Niels, I'd be interested in the outcome of your experiment, and in seeing some of the images you take. Thanks, Arthur (apiarist1)
  7. A quiet week, so some further images from last week (one of which might have been already posted: 'I grow old, I grow old, I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled'). Regards, Arthur (apiarist1)
  8. 3 images with a (newly rehabilitated yashicamat 124G - had a hazy inner taking element). HP5 in Ilfosol 3, rated at 600 ASA, with 30% additional development. All of attendees at a lunch we put on fortnightly for elderly folk.
  9. A couple of images from a band we saw a couple of weeks ago (they also act as carers for my step son, who also attended) Monochrom, and I think, from memory, a 75mm lens. The light was dim, so the ISO has been pushed probably as far as it can go, and the performers tended to 'gyrate' a lot, so focusing was a (very) bit hit and miss. Regards, Arthur (apiarist1)
  10. John, obtained some ash from a smoker friend; mixed to a pasty slurry; and then circular wiped with a microfibre cloth. Not back to pristine, but far better than it was. Testing with film will tell. Regards, Arthur.
  11. Thanks Moto-Uno, but I think I've done it. John, got to cigarette ash and it seemed to work. Did not have to proceed to toothpaste. Also 'Ponds Cold Cream' is no longer in production - I think it contained very dilute NaOH, as an exfoliant, which may have assisted in fungus emoval. I don't know what it was - seemed only to affect the inner face of the rear element duo. Not fungus, but a thin chalky covering, reminiscent of a residue of evaporated finely crystalline salts. I don't know what, if any, coating was used, but I understand that magnesium flouride can dissolve with condensation. Anyway, it will be a while before I can put it back in and test it with film. I had replaced it with a rear element set from another, damaged, camera. The replacement does have the start of balsam separation around the edges, so it won't last. Thanks again for your advice. regards, Arthur (apiarist1)
  12. Thanks John. I did a search on previous postings (after I put up this request!! Should have done it before hand). Came across what I thought was a previous post from you regarding using toothpaste. I think I'll try that as my no. 4, if it comes to it. Thanks again, regards, Arthur (apiarist1).
  13. Two images from a jazz performance I went to a couple of weeks ago. Both with a monochrom and voigtlander (aka cosina) 90mm lens. Regards, Arthur (apiarist1)
  14. Hi. My yashicamat has developed haze on the internal face of the rear taking lens. I've got it out. It looks like a cemented doublet, but the haze is on the inside face - the haze looks like breath condensation, but it's fixed on the lens. I had hoped that it was simply lubricant evaporation, but it cannot be cleaned off with simple lens cleaning fluid and cloth. I've replaced the lens with another from a damaged yashicamat, but it has the start of gum separation around the perimeter. I'm hoping it will be ok at apertures smaller than f5.6. But back to the hazy lens: any suggestions as to how to proceed. My thoughts are to go thru the following steps: 1. Try 50:50 hydrogen peroxide/ammonia; 2. If unsuccessful, try pond's skin cream; 3. If unsuccessful, try cigarette ash (not sure how to do this); 4. Finally, cerium oxide, if I can get some. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Regards, Arthur (apiarist1)
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