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Everything posted by arthur_mcculloch2

  1. Three images - 'happy snaps' - of fellow participants of a discussion group I attend each week (if my images were to be collected in a book, its title would be 'Say Cheese'). Done with my monochrom and a recently acquired 85mm lens. Regards and best wishes, Arthur.
  2. Bronica ETR, 150mm lens (from memory), FP4, Ilfosol.
  3. The last of the roving performers together with an image of observing the chooks. Both from the rather disappointing Comboyne Annual Show with my monochrom. Regards, Arthur.
  4. Yes, spoke to him today - we meet the first sunday afternoon of the month (went hoping to do some more photos, but the battery died after the fist photo. Still, it was a good day. Lots of rollicking singing and I was re-acquainted with Carl Jenkins' the armed man). He described the pipes as 'Scottish small pipes' and said that they were different from Northumberland pipes (in what respect I cannot say). Regards, Arthur.
  5. Thanks Allen Herbert. It's an easy lens to use, but for what I like to do, I've got to get very close to the person being photographed. Some say that its sonnar design gives it a special character. I'm yet to see that. Regards, Arthur
  6. We bumped into Robyn and Jimmy, enjoying the Tuesday nite special at the local pub - $15 chicken schnitzel. Monochrom with 7 Artisans 50mm lens. Regards, Arthur.
  7. I will have to ask him, if he attends next month, and I'll let you know. Despite my father hailing from Airdre (in between Glasgow and Edinburgh. He was 'loaned' by the British Army to go to Korea, and stayed on in the land down under), I know very little about Scottish pipes. Best wishes, Arthur.
  8. Thank you Allen Herbert. Regards, Arthur. I'll have to go back and look, but it may not have been my go to lens, in hindsight.
  9. Three performers at a recent community folk group session I attend. The group meets monthly at a local community hall, sing, play instruments, recite poetry (their own and others), and enjoy the fading light. Monochrom, with my go to lens, 75mm. Regards and best wishes, Arthur.
  10. Chuck_foreman1, I thought the J12 was a copy of the Biogon? Am I wrong? I like the J12, good centre sharpness (if nowhere else), but a bit lacking in contrast, and that character building aperture ring!. Regards, Arthur (apiarist1).
  11. Three images from last weekend's 'Farmers' Markets', where local produce is sold. Happens once a month. One of a vendor, two of patrons. Again, with my monochrom and go to 75mm lens. Regards, Arthur.
  12. I use some legacy leitz LTM collapsible lenses on my M mount bodies, but have never collapsed them. I've run a couple of plastic ties around the barrel to avoid the automatic behaviour setting in. I've taken prudence as my guide. I know this doesn't answer your question, though. Regards, Arthur.
  13. The inaugural roll of film thru my recently acquired Rolleicord Vb. It has had its ev coupling disabled, but is otherwise in good order. Two images. The first caused me great mirth when I developed the film; FP4 in Ilfosol 3 - I guess in my enthusiasm to use the camera, I forgot to attend to the background, producing an image which would embarrass a school age anyone. Regards, Arthur.
  14. A quiet fortnite. An image of one of my stepson's carers. She supports him each Sunday afternoon to make pizza and muffins. And an image of my stepson playing the photographer with his phone. My current wife and I have been trying to get him into supported accommodation for over a year now, but to no avail. As Jack Horner said in Boogie Nights: 'there's shadows in life, baby'. Regards, Arthur
  15. Thanks again John and Dave. Worked it out. Just had to work out that 'press down' meant a different thing for the wind on button and the 'reverse button for S'. Now just have to deal with the incredibly stiff shutter speed lever and the aperture setting lever (slightly less stiff, but still requiring herculean efforts to use). Regards, Arthur.
  16. Some images from a 2024 recommenced mens' breakfast I attend. Regards, Arthur.
  17. Thanks, John. It has the Nikkor-QC, a tessar style four element, single coated lens (though I think the viewing lens is a triplet). 'This seems a bit odd' is right; I can't quite follow the manual. Still, I'll fiddle with it to see where it goes. It may need film in it, or at least, a take up spool, to work (I think some of the Yashica TLR's needed a take up spool to work properly). I'll post some photos when it's sorted. Thanks again, and regards, Arthur.
  18. Hi. Does anyone have some advice on the steps to follow in loading film and setting (and using) the film counter on an Airesflex Z? I've just acquired one, read the original manual, courtesy of Butkus, and am no wiser or capable. The camera seems a copy of a rolleicord, possibly III or IV, but I'm unsure how the counter reset button and the pushable button in the film winder work, whether sequentially or together. There seems little on the net. Thanks and regards in anticipation. Arthur.
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