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Image Comments posted by vineet.rajasekhar

  1. This is Blackhead Point, south of Dunedin, in New Zealand's South Island.

    Taken at sunset, in really confused weather. There were clouds racing in

    and out, a bit of rain here and there - made for some interesting light, if

    somewhat challenging conditions for photography - the waves crashing into

    the rocks and spraying all over my camera didn't help much either!


    Appreciate your comments - Vineet

    Blue Keel


    Haha! I'm complimented! This is just a photo - shot in RAW, and edited to adjust colour balance and contrast very slightly. I can't paint to save my life - so this is "pure" photo!







    Thanks for your comments - this was all one 32 minute exposure. 


    The detail in the rocks and sand is helped by the fact that the full moon was behind and slightly to camera left, lighting up the scene nicely. Took away a little from the startrails though!





    Warp Speed!


    Haha! Good question - I got lucky I guess. This was taken about two and a half hours after sunset - the moon was well up, behind and slightly to camera left. THe city was off in the distance, in front and to camera right. That explains the pink-reddish glow in the clouds. This was taken facing northwest-ish, and there was still a faint bluish glow near the horizon when the exposure started... 


    basically, got lucky...

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