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Image Comments posted by vineet.rajasekhar



    Taken with two speedlights, one for the background (a white bedsheet) and

    another in a softbox, high, to camera left.

    Paradise Forest


    Absolutely spectacular image - I especially like your detail of blowing fog over the lens to create a fairytale look to the scene - inspired. Congratulations on a great shot - well worth the effort it took to get it!

    Best regards, 



  1. Taken during a charity day put on by the Ferrari Owners' Club of New

    Zealand, at the Pukekohe Raceway in Auckland. This car must have

    been doing about 120kph, at a range of about 20m when the shot was

    taken. Shot with a Nikon D700 and a Nikkor 180/2.8, handheld. Post

    processed in Lightroom - dust spots removed (had to shot at a tight

    aperture to get the slow shutter speed, which meant a long depth of field,

    and sharply defined dustspots), dodging and burning to accentuate the

    angular feel of the shot.


    Appreciate your comments - Vineet

    Mum and bub


    This was my first experience doing formal portraits of children. This is a

    nine month old baby, and his mother. Taken with two speedlights, the

    first behind the subject and to camera left, facing away from the camera

    at the white bedsheet I'd strung up to act as a background. The second

    Speedlight, in a large softbox, was above the subject and to camera

    right, facing slightly downwards. Taken with a Nikon 180/2.8.


    Appreciate any comments/critique.



    Wanaka Dawn


    Dawn at Lake Wanaka, New Zealand. A 4.30 wake up led to a trudge in the

    dark through wet sand to get to this spot, and the weather totally failed us,

    but I think this shot was the one consolation of the day. What do you



    Thanks for visiting!



    Yes I've cropped this to 6:12, retaining much of the bottom of the image.

    There was a light haze from the city off in the distance which meant that I didn't get the solid bank of swirling stars that I would have hoped for.

    And without a denser collection of stars, and without a longer exposure, the shorter startrails towards the top of the image (and at the centre of the trails) ended up looking fragmented and distracting, and this was the simplest way for me to get rid of the distraction and simplify the image. 

    Thanks for visiting!




    Part of my "try-new-things" kick - This is a handheld (panned) picture, taken

    with a telephoto lens, of waves at a pier. I've pushed the white balance and

    tint to extremes to get quite a surrealistic "bizarre" look that I quite like. I

    think this could look quite good, printed on Canvas, in a really big panel, in

    a big room - what do you think?


    Appreciate your visit/comments -Thanks!

  2. This is a result of my trying some new ideas for landscape/travel shots. I

    wanted to try some high-key portraiture techniques I've been reading about,

    in a landscape context. This was taken on a cloudy day, around midday,

    with a grad filter darkening the sheds, and the entire shot kicked up about

    two and a half stops to blow out the background to white without detail.


    Appreciate your comments - Thanks!

  3. Thanks for your comment, you're quire right, I caught a lot of lens flare (I'm shooting with a relatively cheap 28/2.8 - my only wide!). I also had a gradual filter on, to be able to shoot into the sun, and I think I must have had a couple of scratches, which explains the couple of "ray" like lines in the middle left... 

    I've tried some selective adjustments of contrast in that part of the image, which has helped a little bit - that's in another version of the image that I haven't uploaded. Not really enough to eliminate the problem. 

    I'll have to pay closer attention lens flare/scratches on my next time around! It was definitely a magnificent place to catch the dawn, well worth waking up at 4am and driving for two hours to get there!

    Thanks for your thoughts - appreciate the visit. 



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