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Image Comments posted by pmj


    Always good to see photographers not trying to show to whole building, but rather details. Too bad you didn't show the bottom portion of the doors, especially since the window at the top of the image can easily be left out.


    Ahhh... again those wonderfully warm colours (I've been seeing some more images of Naveen in the critique section this afternoon). Very nice. I think the image would have improved had you shown just a bit more of the floor / ground (some of the pilars just seem to stop).


    Interesting patches of light on the road, but the high contrast between sky and ground seems to overpower the image. I think it would improve if you concentrated on the sky with the headlights in the bottom part, or if you concentrated on the road.


    The image would gain in meaning if you had simplified it. In my opinion, it now looks like the wires are there because the photographer didn't pay attention. Still, the idea to portray "progress" this way is good.
  1. Nice attempt at an abstract photography, but I'm not too keen on the black building and shadow. Also, I think this would have worked much better if the sky would have been completely blue (perhaps a polarizer?)


    I think this is a very good image because of the smart use of the lines, light and shadows. Well done, bravo! Because I believe images of shadows have been done before, and quite often too, I did not give this image top score on originality (but a "4" instead).

    There's just one thing I keep wondering about: would it have worked even better if you had flipped it horizontally? I tried it in Photoshop and I like it a bit better when flipped; it then seems to do a better job of "pulling my eye in". So, a "4" on aesthetics as well.

    Cayman's eye

    Talk about an eye-catcher! I find this a very interesting image to look at. Perhaps not the most original of concepts, but intriguing. Maybe a bit more DoF and the eye a bit more off-center and I'd rate it even higher. Well done.
  2. I rated this image 2,2 (out of 5), because while I don't think it's bad, I also don't have a "wow!" feeling. That sounds a bit vague, I guess, but I think the composition needs cleaning up (it's a jumble of colours, shapes and subjects) and it seems a very straightforward image alltogether.


    I like this picture; you've captured the jump very well. I also like the inclusion of the lights in the image. A good choice for POW, I think.

    Perhaps it would have been even more interesting if the bike was a bit more tilted (front wheel up). And perhaps, though I wouldn't know if that were possible at all, it might be nice if there was actually more blurr, rear-sync-stopped by a flash. Just two thoughts that popped up in my mind; nevertheles, a very fine image.

    Perhaps the photographer would care to share some technical details such as lens, exposure mode, use of AF, IS (or not, perhaps) etc ?

  3. This is definitely a great shot: very nice composition, good timing, shallow depth of field. Wonderful. It simply screams "Incoming!"

    However, I think we would all be able to enjoy it so much more if it were a bit larger. Perhaps something in the 470 x 700 pixels range? I'd understand if you don't want to post on that size because copyright issues, though.

  4. I have mixed feelings about this picture. When I saw it on photo.net's front page, there was no "wow" or "awesome" reaction as there was with some of the earlier pictures-of-the-week.

    However, now that you have told us a bit more about the image and what it represents, I start to like it more. I definitely agree on the sepia toning; the colour version is "for yucks" indeed. This picture, I think, is well suited to go along with some article about old Tokyo.

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