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Everything posted by CvhKaar

  1. <p>Question : Did you update any software on the Mac after buying your D610 ?</p>
  2. <p>They haven't talked about ending ViewNX2, but if they'd make this one free</p> <p>mm Nikon has announced a while back that VIEW NX2 AND Capture NX2 will no longer be supported ( upgrded) after the final release of Capture NX-D ...</p> <p>Since Nik-Software (and therewith Capture NX2) hwere bought by Google, it is possible that the older Nikon related products will seize to exist because of that ( I Guess that Japanese Company Nikon does not like to pay amounts of money to support American Company Google inc. ... :-) ..</p> <p>From the FAQ page : </p> <ul> <li >For how long will support for Capture NX 2 continue?</li> <li >We will continue to update Capture NX 2 as needed to add support for new cameras until the official version of this software is released.<br /> At this time, the official version is scheduled for release in summer this year.<br /> We will no longer update Capture NX 2 after the official version of this software is released.</li> </ul>
  3. <p>Nikon has published an updated verion of Capture NX-D , where some of the remarks from end-users have been adressed.</p> <p>Here is a ling to the download website for Capture NX-D <br> http://beta.nikonimglib.com/</p> <p>On windows 8.1 i had trouble installing this version without first removing the previous ( ver0.91)), so i de-installed the previous version first.</p>
  4. <p>Clive,<br /> Thzx for the lookup, but when you follow this link : http://lensbaby.com/lenses-circular-fisheye</p> <p>you will notice that the lens that was announced last month s a totaly different lens. <br /> TH older one is one of the drop-in products from LensBaby, this new one is a complete (( but also total manual operated) lens , it has a polished inside barrel for a reflective ring effect around the pics, and a 185 ! degre fov ..., its own adjustable aperture etc...</p> <p>Apart from that i am not looking for an adapter, since i already own very wide lenes ( like the 8-16mm zoom from sigma) and a samyang rectangular fish eye lens,<br /> Aa circular one is missing though, and i find the 4mm Sigma producing a too small frame, so maybe the LensBaby will fill the bill better... or maybe it won't...</p>
  5. <p>LensBaby introduced a new circular Fish Eye lens for Nikon ( and Canon) DX camera;s with a focal length of 5.8mm and a maximum aperture of F3.5 focussing as close as 6mm (measured from the front lens i presume.. :-) ) last month..</p> <p>Since it is also low priced ( relatively) i may be interrested in this lens, but i guess i will wait 'till more is know about the quality . Sometimes LensBaby's have ea high quality standerd, but some stuff they make also reminds me more of "to"'s" so i find it hard to jump right in..</p> <p>Anybody any preliminairy opinons on this lens ? Or on LensBaby products in general ?</p>
  6. <p>Robert, Thx for your reply .</p> <p>I did not say anything about fakes. I just asked about some causes that I have seen to cause imperfect importing of images on a PC. <br> But if you are totally sure the cause is in the cards, then that's ok with me too, and I will not spend any energy in this challenge and whish you the best of luck with resolving these issues by yourselve .</p>
  7. <blockquote> <p>no fakes. legit from amazon. 3 in one year. all different cameras. d3/d3s/d4/d4s will not say the name for now. im discussing the matter with the company</p> </blockquote> <p>Since the errors seem different between the first and the other example pictures and Just to be sure : what program do you use to import the images to your computer, and did you also try another USB cable ( or reader) to connectto your cardreader or camera's ?</p>
  8. <p>Although AF is not that interesting for Macro work, it might still be of interest for other uses of the lens , hence my question : On what camera do you want to use this lens ? ( The Nikon 200mm is an AF-D lens, so it has no builtin motor).</p>
  9. <p>ANd before i forget , the new NEF codec ver. 01.22.0 which supports also the new Nikon1 J4 : http://www.nikonimglib.com/nefcodec/</p>
  10. <p>In Addition to de D800E update, there are also updates for the D800 and most of the Nikon 1 camera's and some coolpixes too<br /> <br /> Here is the Page for the European updates :</p> <p><p><a href="https://nikoneurope-Nl.custhelp.com/app/answers/list#s=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">https://nikoneurope-Nl.custhelp.com/app/answers/list#s=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"><strong>LINK</strong></a>.</p>.</p>
  11. <p>mm Can you post some of the pics you are not happy with ?</p>
  12. <p>mm depending on what you want to spend a 24-70 f/2.8 or a 24-85 F/2.8-F/4.0 zoom ???</p>
  13. <p>MM just a crazy idea and depending on how much you are willing to invest :<br /> Would it work to add a DX camera and use that one with the 28-70 f2.8 ?</p>
  14. <p>Mike, cool "feature" , would it be able to cook an egg like that ?</p>
  15. <p>maybe its not the camera or the flash, but the flash not being connected to the camera ? If the flash can move a bit, then this can be the cause of unsuspected connections of contacts..?</p>
  16. <p>What flash are you using ?<br /> - Are the D7100 and D3100 in comparable meetering mode ? ( e.g. both centre weigthed - or spot meetering.<br /> - Do you use both camera's in a comparable release mode ? ( P, A, M) ?<br /> - Do you use fixed or auto ISO ?<br /> - Are the same fov lenses used on both ( e.g. for instance both 50mm).<br /> - Are comparable apertures used ?</p> <p>Etc. .. , questions questions..so many things that can be used different in different circumstances......</p> <p>Maybe post some examles ( with exif.)</p>
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