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Everything posted by CvhKaar

  1. <p>Shun i agree,<br> That's also why i start his post with "For what it's worth" ...<br> There are often posts about memory cards on this forum though , and i thought maybe somebody would be interrested in Nikons's latest publication about the subject , tah's all ..</p> <p>What i did find is that a Nikon's websites around the world do look different, and some "information" is published just on a few of them..<br> .</p>
  2. <p>Robert ,<br> That version 2.4.7 is the current version of <strong>Capture</strong> NX2,<br> the update in this post is the one for <strong>View</strong> NX2<br> Looking at the Nikon USA i do not see that newest version of view nxx2 so i guess it is not there yet for the ameraca's ?</p>
  3. <p>For what it's worth..<br> TOday Nikon Europe publishes a revised overview of what Nikon vieuws as "Approved Memory cards"for nikon camera's ..</p> <p>Here is a link : <br> <a href="https://nikoneurope-nl.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/61518">https://nikoneurope-nl.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/61518</a> </p>
  4. <p>mm IF you plan to use a wide angle lens, than make sure that the rows of subjects are close together , otherwise the ppl in the back row start to look a lot "smaller"than the ones in the front row.<br> Also make sure your tripod is tall enough to gen your camera on "eye level" , i have seen some recent group shots where the camera ( using a wide lens) was a lot lower, making the front row ppl look like giants compared to the second row ppl...<br> sometimes taking a step backand using a "normal ( 35 or 50mm depending on the sensor size) solves more problems than using a wider lens does for group shots ....</p>
  5. <p>Adriano, thx for this write-up !<br> one question : ViewNX2 and Capture NX2 change the NEF file itself to include adjustments, so when calling Nik those changes are going allong with the file, .<br> Capture NX-D uses a Sidecar file to safe changes to the NEF in, so the NEF itself does not change.<br> So if you call Nik from NX-D, are the changes from NX-d also carried to Nik or do you call nik with Tiff only to process further ?</p>
  6. <p>Dan,<br> most updates are in the new version of the picture control which gets installed with View NX2 , there are xtra settings for the D810 too .</p>
  7. <blockquote> <p>Just did an experiment and it does as I thought, no hiccups, no pauses, just underexposed dark pics...(I'd set max ISO to 800 and aimed into a dark corner @ 1/250 @f8) so, a correct assumption as it turned out.</p> </blockquote> <p>mm That would not trip the High Iso Noise reduction, that kicks in at higher ISO levels so its is not comparable with shooting AUto Iso , 1/1000 s at F5.6 .</p> <p>The latter presets could trip the HiNR in broad dailight whn using center weight measuring on a dark subject causing slowing down the burst rate, especially when it is at 8f/s Raw 14 bits ......( it will never reach 8 f/s at 14 bits raw while auto focussing moving subjects though..).</p> <p>Also when auto Iso is on and the EV goes past its lowest limit ( dark non reflective subjects..) then the camera might hickup becasue it cannot underexpose that much, I would need to test that ( using my D300s though..) .</p>
  8. <p>mm Since the background is ok and the model seems moved :<br />Maybe stupid questiosn because i do not own a D7100 :<br> <br />- Is it possible that you have HDR switched on, since this combines two pictures taken in one shot ( depressing the release button fully once takes 2 shots) ?<br> - Is it possible that Multiple Exposure is switched on for 2 pics ?</p>
  9. <p>Today Nikon publishes unexpectedly ( because of the anounced Capture NX-D) an new version of View NX2.<br> Which supports the D810 !<br> Here is the link to the EU ( Dutch) version ( 03.10) :<br> <a href="https://nikoneurope-nl.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/61284">https://nikoneurope-nl.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/61284</a><br> Also a new version of the Picture Control Utility is published along :<br> <a href="https://nikoneurope-nl.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/61340">https://nikoneurope-nl.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/61340</a></p> <p> </p>
  10. <p>mmm Do you have High Iso Noise Reduction switched to "on" ? <br> HiNr slows down the camera so if that kicks in during your burst because of intermittend low light it might also feel like a missing beat ...</p>
  11. <blockquote> <p> It's mounted on a Vanguard tripod</p> </blockquote> <p>Which Vanguard tripod ? , Which head ? on what kind of floor ?</p> <p>i may be mistaking, but to me it looks like :<br> - either the camera moves because the tripod may be to light for the camera - lens setup,<br> - or the balhead does not proprly lock / is properly locked ( on friction only ?) <br> - or mayb the tripod is not based on a solid floor.. ( carpet..).<br> this is not a light lens </p>
  12. <p>The reason i sya : Nikon 1 (kit ?) , is not only they can AF seriously fast, but also because only the D2H still requires you to buy also a fast focussing lens ( i.e. a AF-S lens) to go with it, adding to the cost ..<br> To know more about the Multicam 2000 module which is used in the D2x camera's , here is a link : <a href="http://www.digitaldarrell.com/Article-UnderstandingNikonMultiCAM2000AF.asp#AFS">http://www.digitaldarrell.com/Article-UnderstandingNikonMultiCAM2000AF.asp#AFS</a></p>
  13. <p>MM I would have a look at a Nikon 1 J3 or similar if i need that kind of AF unless the pics have to be printed poster size ...</p>
  14. <p>Totally agree Shun, thats why i think that <em><strong>now</strong></em> may be the best time to switch partly to full frame ( i do have several good quality FX lenses.already.), since this afternoon i found new D800 's priced within 4300 EURo from D610 i.e.<br> D610 at EUR 1649,- <br> D800 at EUR 2029<br> and future price for D810 starting at EUR 3229, ---</p>
  15. <p>Good, just saw a pricedrop for the D800 over here already :-)<br> And that one is still supported by the current Capture-NX2 too :-)</p>
  16. <p>Ok Joe, no problemo, just as a service to you, since you missed the posts i put out on htis forum in the past few months, here is a link to the current Beta verion / program so you can give it a go if you like to..... :<br> <a href="http://beta.nikonimglib.com/">http://beta.nikonimglib.com/</a><br> And a link to the previous post on the current Beta :<br> <a href="/nikon-camera-forum/00ccCK">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00ccCK</a></p>
  17. <p>Note : Do not discard your current View-NX2 / Capture -NX2 if you want to work with the edited images you already have, since NX-D is not backward compatible ... ( even the second Beta is not backward compatible with the first beta...)</p>
  18. <p>Nikon anounces that on July 15th the first official version will be a fact.<br> ( <a href="http://www.nikon.com/news/2014/0626_nxd_03.htm">http://www.nikon.com/news/2014/0626_nxd_03.htm</a> )</p> <p>Nikon announced earlier that Capture NX-D would replace both Capture NX2 , and that from that point in time there would be no more updates to and View NX2, <em><strong>so possibly the D810 will not be supported</strong> </em>in the current Nikon Software suites ( there is no mentioning about what happens to Control NX though..)</p>
  19. <blockquote> <p> This is probably why Canon have had tilt lenses for years, and Nikon only got around to it recently</p> </blockquote> <p>MM i do not fully agree with this statement Andrew, since the first shift & tilt lenses ( PC-Nikkor 35mm F/3.5) from Nikon were produced from 1962 on, and updatet to F2.8 in 1968, the next series ( the 24mm F4.0) were available from 1975 to my knowledge , and the 28mm F/3.5 appeared somewhere around 180 / 1981 ....</p>
  20. <p>mm Challengewith zoomlenses is : Mostly the compensation for the long end of the lens is different from the compensation at the short end ...<br> So if its ok at 200mm, then its mostly off at 18mm and vice versa ...<br> Even if it is ok at the average ( 108mm.) then it can be front focussing on the long end and back focussing at the short end ...</p>
  21. <p>. I was also looking at the 16-85mm. I plan on going FX in the future and don't want to married to DX lenses.</p> <p>Mm if you do not want a DX lens then you do not want the 16-85 i guess....</p>
  22. <blockquote> <p>If you buy this lens and want it to preform, be prepared for some form of post processing</p> </blockquote> <p>mm For me it does not matter what lens i use, there is always som post processing involved, since i like to shoot RAW most of the time...<br> For the rest : Congrats with your new lens !</p>
  23. <p>MM 4 totally differen lenses ( the 85mm's are most similar here..)<br> First something else : You do not indicate whether yuo have 2 camera's, and as for weddings a bacjup camera is a must, i would advise to first invest in a backup camera....</p> <p>Then : the 80-200mm and the 105mm VR Makro are the most versatile ( so multipurpose .) lenses in your list .<br> For portreture the 85mm 1.4d would be my preference but for traveling the `105mm VR and 80-200mm are much more versatile.<br> I do love the 135mm DC and 85mm 1.4d a lot, but those are very specialised lenses ( although the 85mm 1.4d is my favourit when "on the streets"because it can so nicely isolate a subject and blur everything in the background ( so can the 135DC but that one is much bigger..)<br> So : no clear answer to this one, i guess you will have to try for yourself ( rent the lenses that seem to fill the bill for a day or two...) .</p>
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