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Image Comments posted by lliebl

    Winter moon


    Thanks for stopping by and recognizing my reason for taking this shot.  Due to some family matters I've not had much time to take any worthwhile photos lately. The best I can do is watch what all of you are posting.  Rest assured------- I'll be back.  Thanks again. ~~~~~~~~~L



    A composition that grows more impressive the longer I view it.  I love the orderliness and meticulous geometrics anchored and made real by the leaves top left and the angular shadows of the street lamp.  Nice work. ~~~~~~~~~~L

  1. Hard to concentrate -----and keep a straight face-----after reading Carlos' wit.

     Ah, well. . . . . You've captured IMHO the true essence of cats, Jack.  Tight crop is very effective.  ~~~~~~L


    La Lune IV


    An interesting approach to the moon. "Ethereal" comes to mind when I ponder this one-----with the light wisps of clouds, the elevated contrast in the trees, and the grass as anchor in the foreground.   Nice work.  ~~~~L



     I find that certain photos affect me based on what's going on in my world.  This one causes me to pause and reflect on life/death.  The reality.  The finality.  The all-encompassing realm of thoughts surrounding soul, religion, after life. . . . . . . . . . .and the infinite possibilities.  This is such a thought-provoking image. Compliments.  ~~~~~L

  2. New life.  The wake up call to how much we take for granted.  New life. The reality of how, with the passing of time, we've become callous to the beauty, the fragility of it all.  New life.  Renewed hope. Such a wonderful thing.

       That's what your touching photo says to me.  ~~~~~L

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