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Image Comments posted by lliebl

  1. No surprise that I'd comment on this.  The angled composition makes it work for me.  I really need to get  my eyes examined!  :-)  Thanks for your comments on my recent posts.~~~~~L

  2. Jack, Niels, Drew -

       I appreciate the warm welcome back.  I'm clearly a bit rusty but I hope to make more regular visits and posts now that I'm finding some calm in my otherwise hectic life. ~~~~~L




    Let me chime in to convey how much I love this image.  This----and, come to think of it, MOST of your photos---- immerse the viewer in segments of life.  They are real, warm, and relevant to all of us.  We don't feel so much an observer as a participant. In this particular shot the light in the distance seems somehow a very important component.  This beauty joins so many of your photos in my favorites. ~~~~L

  3. Compliments once again for offering up an image that must be studied. Both the expression and body language can't be easily explained or identified. No two viewers will reach the same conclusions.  Nice. ~~~L

  4. Such a telling mother-to-be expression. Not quite smug but quietly proud.

    I'm always so impressed with the softness of your photos, the delicate shadows, and the warm tones.  My compliments. ~~~~~~L

  5. Like so many of your photos, this has a photo-journalism feel. A story hidden in an image. And as always, you've connected with your subjects on their level. The tones are your trademark.  Great shot. ~~~~~~~L



    Marvelous!  Yes, the shadows create a great deal of interest but it is the body language and the eyes that have my attention. What can he be pondering so deeply?  Nice work! ~~~~~L



    I'm usually very concerned with always taking my canvas bags to the store but for some reason I didn't on this particular day.  After unloading this bag I tossed it on the counter of my kitchen.  The bag took on an entirely different persona from the light shining through the window.  I couldn't resist grabbing the camera to see if I could capture it.

       I've not had much time lately to take any serious pictures.  After 24 years in the same house and little town I'm moving 200 miles to be closer to my sons and their wives. Nothing like getting ready to move to assess what "stuff" is or is not valuable to me.

    Thanks again for stopping by and commenting.  I always appreciate your comments. . .and I appreciate your photos.  I've not had much time to make any thoughtful comments but I always look. ~~~~~~~~~~~L


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