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Image Comments posted by lliebl

  1. In my mind there's nothing more entertaining than watching the dynamics of children at play. Although there are only 3 shown here, there were five under five years old.  A real treat.  And yes, Carlos, I took dozens of shots.

    As always, thanks for your comments.  ~~~~~L 



    I think those who have commented before me have defined this scene and the enormity of her expression (and to a lesser degree the various items in the scene) to its success very well.  The lighting is a key component to this beautiful shot.~~~~~L

  2. Thanks, Jack.  I'm still searching for the formula for that next level of creativity. . . . .   And yes, I sent the interesting photos.  I should have done a better job of identifying myself.  Although I haven't commented as much as I'd like, I have noticed you seem to be in quite a productive/creative phase.  Some really interesting work. Inspiring. . .~~~~~~~~L



    There's an aura around the picture.  Spiritual?  Mystical? The angle of the shot really adds depth and a distinct vibe.  All in all another good one. ~~~~~~L

  3. Yes, I'm a sucker for geometrics, I guess. I'm lucky I can count on the two of you to stop by  and offer welcome support. Most days I'm floundering about, trying to recapture the creativity that has been eluding me of late.  Thanks.~~~~L

  4. Your brief hiatus must have been inspirational.  This group of new photos is vintage Jack.  This one is all about the composition----the teasing reflection, the bits of of color, and you crop adds a geometric, orderly frame.  Nice work.  ~~~~~L

  5. Jack spelled it out for me:  "takes one to know one".  Clearly most of us----me, at least------ in our 60s can identify and relate to the essay accompanying your fine photo.  The curse of indifference.  I saw it in my father that last few years of his life, wandering aimlessly, waiting to go. And I find it creeping into my way of being, interacting, living.  I was visiting with a young friend recently who asked what had happened to the protestors of my generation.  Now I know.  Most of us became indifferent.  After 6 plus decades nothing is really new and exciting, just recycled, re-invented. We find exuberance and energy in short supply.

    Having gotten that off my mind, let me complement you on once again capturing not just a face but a personality.  The POV seems key to this one.The expression----wry or sly---is priceless. I'm guessing he might have plenty to say  ~~~~~L

  6. It's probably no surprise that I would appreciate and comment on this photo.  I'm a huge fan of shadows and reflections ---having taken hundreds over the past few years.  Here you've given the impression that the tree branch shadows are wrapping themselves around and consuming the building. The monochromatic tones add to the somewhat sinister mood. Nice one.  ~~~~~L

    Eva Cassidy


    What a beautiful critique!  I'm fortunate that you and your two "fellow photographic travelers" always seem to make  a concerted effort to see what it is that strikes a chord with me in the photos I post.  I'm determined to find and nurture my own unique style----whatever that might be. The support of all of you helps me develop confidence in my own particular vision.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful comments.  ~~~~~~~L 

    Eva Cassidy


    I continue to fight with my camera's focus. I must be dumb as a post.

    Anyway. . . . . .thanks, Jack---although I'm not sure Georgia O'Keefe would necessarily be thrilled about any comparison.  Do you think she was inspired by peyote buttons? I hadn't thought of that.

    Have you heard Eva Cassidy's "Songbird" CD? ~~~~~L

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