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Everything posted by Member69643

  1. Too bad my D500 blew it on this shot. Seems to have focused on the grass behind. Oh well.
  2. Three Chinese girls on a rainy day, Iowa City. Canon New F-1, Kodak Tri-X 400 film
  3. Son, puppy, frisbee, spring day. Life is good. Canon New F-1, Kodak Tri-X 400 film
  4. My puppy has a shoe fetish. No pair or single shoe is allowed to remain where it was left. Nobody in my house can find their shoes in the morning because he rearranges them at night. Canon Canonette QL17 GIII, Kodak Tri-X 400 film
  5. Glad to hear that your recovery is going well. Way back in 1992 I was playing football at an Army base and injured *something* in my right knee. Never did have it looked at - I had no insurance - and eventually it healed up. Took a long time. Whatever it was, it flares up now and again. And that time is now. I'm hobbled and unable to do my normal runs in the morning.I now appreciate escalators.
  6. Y'all know the drill. 1000px max side for the images. Submit up to three of them. For me, it's one from the EOS-1V. Film is Ilford HP5+
  7. This is really quite lovely! I think the sepia works especially well in this pose and lighting. My only nitpick is that the black line atop her butt really makes it look like this was cut and pasted onto the background. If you use Photoshop, perhaps do a layer for the background and then use the history brush to paint the lady in?
  8. Bagheera is a natural prowler. Very strong hunting instincts in this one. Here, his quarry is only a stick. Nikon F2, Ilford XP2 film
  9. Yes they are. You can sorta see them on this image towards the bottom:
  10. I lament that my EOS-1V is consistently scratching my negatives. Darned if I can find the cause. The film plane is smooth to the touch everywhere. Anyone out there ever solve a film-scratcher? Seems like several cameras of mine do it, with nary a visible cause. Just to rule some things out - the film is new, factory fresh film, brand isn't an issue. I see the scratches on the film right after developing, so it isn't my scanner. I don't need general advice - looking more to hear from someone who had a similar situation and eventually had a "Eureka!" moment that solved your problem.
  11. A new dog is always fun! I'm turning 55 this year so Bagheera is likely my last puppy. I hope to spend my "golden years" adopting the truly old and abandoned dogs from shelters, to give them love and dignity in their own declining years. Even so, this puppy has been a wonderful experience. I finally know how to raise a dog after 4 previous ones who were saddled with an owner who didn't deserve them. Oh the mistakes I made. But this guy gets to be the one whose owner finally got it right. I just hope I pass along to my kids the right way to treat a dog, on my last attempt. Puppies take patience and calmness and energy. I have most of that, though a bum knee is limiting my energy expenditure right now. I'm lucky that the puppy is very tolerant of my shortcomings and has my son as an alternate playmate. Then again, he discovered swimming last weekend, so as long as my stick-throwing arm is good, we're good. :)
  12. Seriously considering it. I posted a photo in a thread yesterday and then wanted it removed. Despite my repeated requests, the moderator in question Shun Chen, ignored or refused my request. Moderators have far too much power here, and if i can't control my own content I want no part of this site.
  13. Dealing with the rain. Minolta Hi-matic 7S, Ilford HP5+ film
  14. One from Saturday. Running through puddles is always preferable to going around! Fujifilm X-T20
  15. My dog discovered this raccoon snuggled away in a hole. He wasn't at all perturbed by our presence. I got one shot, then he turned his head and curled up and that was that. :)
  16. And for my "modern camera" I present this small potatoes shot from the Canon EOS Rebel. Film is Kodak Tmax 100
  17. Here's my "classic manual" with a Petri 7S. Kind of a soft lens, but that works for outdated film and certain subjects. Film is Fuji Superia 100
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