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Everything posted by patrick_mont

  1. <p>Now that I have acquired a scanner, I think I am going to have to give one of these a try!</p>
  2. <p>Does the packaging say Minox and all?</p>
  3. <p>Yes! I am guessing that when they did their online survey that is what most people had wanted, but I agree with you! I guess 400 might be easy to take those pictures without flash in secrecy ;) </p>
  4. <p>Just in case any of you guys aren't on their mailing list, just wanted to let you know that Blue Moon has released the Minox! </p> <blockquote> The film is currently available in 36 exposures in the following emulsions: <br />Kodak Portra 400-color <br />Kodak Ektar 100-color <br />Ilford Delta 400- black and white <br />Ilford Delta 100- black and white <br /><br />Each cassette is $20.00. <br /><br />If you have an additional questions, please read our Minox FAQ, found <a href="http://www.bluemooncamera.com/Minox_Frequently_Asked_Questions.php" target="_blank">here</a>. <br />We look forward to getting your Minox cameras back into action. Hope to hear from you soon. <br /><br />Orders can be placed by calling our shop at (503) 978-0333. Thank you. <br /><br />Blue Moon Camera and Machine <br />503-978-0333 </blockquote> This was part of the e-mail. <br /><br />Pat
  5. <p>I have noticed all of the same things that have been mentioned here. I think bulk loading to save money has become mostly a thing of the past unless using things like Ultrafine Xtreme. I guess one could save some money in one sense if they only needed a couple of exposures on a given roll. </p>
  6. <p>James- I agree with you totally! That and the fixed shutter speed/aperture cheap old 127 cameras that my grandparents used to shoot Ektachrome with...and that worked too!</p>
  7. <p>I just found the CR200 film that I took back in 2009. The shots look good to me, and just as good as I remember them being back then. This is the only roll of this film that I have taken, so maybe the lighting conditions were just right to make this film look good</p>
  8. <p>I'm not an expert in these things, but if they had to dig out the processor, I am thinking that the chemistry certainly could not be well maintained. I would try a new lab! If you need any recommendations, there are a lot of good ones that charge reasonable prices!</p>
  9. <p>I will keep push processing in mind! Maybe I will give that a try with Velvia 50 the next time that I am in the right situation</p>
  10. <p>I would recommend that very much. I haven't worked with that film in particular, I usually shoot Tri-X, but I know that it can handle 2 or 3 stops push. The less you have to push the film, the better of you are, so you could decide based off of your meter reading if you need to go to or 3 stops. Enjoy your shoot!</p>
  11. <p>It's nice to hear that there are a few places still offering them besides the ones that I knew about! I think Richard Photo Lab may still offer them also</p>
  12. <p>Ah, Thanks. I'll pull out the grey card that I have that I haven't used enough yet!</p>
  13. <p>Hi Guys-<br> <br />With the blizzard about to hit the Northeast US, I have a question. I thought I had read at some point that it is recommended to make adjustments to meter reading when trying to shoot in the snow because the meter sees the scene as brighter. I have some Fujichrome in the camera, so I want to make sure that I can do the best I can with exposure. Should I take a stop off the exposure because of the snow? For all of us here about to get the snow, good luck!<br> Thanks!</p> <p>Pat</p>
  14. Thanks for the tips. I certainly buy fresh. I am hoping that this stuff stays around for as long as possible. I wish that I had the time and resources to buy and use even more!
  15. <p>I had shot some CR200 a few years back in 35mm and as far I remember I liked it at the time. Will have to check it out. I plan to shoot all of the available film choices at some point. I am really looking forward to try to the Film Ferrania film! <br> Thanks for the examples Alan! Nice pictures. I have been looking around online- and I know that is not the best way to get a true idea of a film, but I have liked what I have seen from Velvia 50 just a bit more than the 100. </p>
  16. <p>Well, up to 12x18, Blue Moon isn't terribly expensive. I think their 8x10 optical machine enlargements are around $10. <br> In this day in age where most places don't offer optical color printing, if you are able, I think it certainly would be a great idea to jump into it!</p>
  17. <p>Hi Guys-<br /> <br />I'm getting the chrome bug again and have been shooting some Fuji Provia and Velvia. Ektachrome was my film of choice the last time I was shooting chromes, but as we well know, it is gone. I have shot some Velvia 50 and Provia so far, and am quite pleased with the Velvia- more Provia in processing now.<br /> I was just wondering: What are your opinions/experiences with the currently available 120 Format E-6 films? As far as I can tell that includes pretty much Fuji Velvia 50, Velvia 100, Provia 100F, and the Rollei CR200 film. <br /> <br />Pat<br> <br />PS: Feel free to chime in about others as well! (Such as the Agfa CT Prescia which is available only in 35mm or Lomo films) I just titled this 120 as that is what I shoot most often</p>
  18. <p>Color Services in Needham, Mass. <br> Edgar Praus in Rochester, New York</p>
  19. <p>Thanks for sharing. Sure looks like film to me! In spite of his lack of technical stuff (which is usually important to me) I am just glad to see film being used at such an event. The more film is used and film use is shared, the better it is for all of us in the long run. :) </p>
  20. <p>The B&H website seems to me to have a history of listing a product as discontinued when in fact it end up returning when they receive more stock</p>
  21. <p>I think they had mentioned by the end of 2014 before, so I guess that there must be a delay</p>
  22. <p>That looks like it is a standard Polaroid pack film that will find in many of the Polaroid Land cameras. </p>
  23. <p>I am thinking that Diego hit the nail on the head. Cinestill</p>
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