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Everything posted by Jean-Claude

  1. Never heard of those adaptors. Didn’t see any on internet either. Can you show us one and tell us where you buy them please? Thank you
  2. Thank you Gary. At least one that shares my style:-)
  3. here in Europe it sells for 5.999€ which is 6.934 $....! You Americans are lucky guys:-)
  4. Jean-Claude

    I would lighten up the gray path to gain the symetry with the sky. By enlarging a lot I discover the tiny man at the far end. matbe move him closer and enlarge his size (tool "transformation). Thank you for sharing.
  5. Jean-Claude

    Dear Aleksander, The light is fantastic! I think the picture will gain a lot of potential with being more constrasty. Kind regards,
  6. Jean-Claude

    Meech Creek Valley

    Dear Jim, Did you think about darkening the background to emphazise the foreground? Kind regards
  7. Dear Line, I recognize your style at 1st glance. Bravo! A pity there is no human being in this picture or maybe an old rusty car:-) Thank you for sharing.
  8. Jean-Claude

    Fall 2021-11

    Dear Line, I have the feeling that this sky does not belong to the original scenery. Am I wrong?
  9. Jean-Claude

    Swallow Argument

    « The décisive moment »! Congratulations
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