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Everything posted by Jean-Claude

  1. Sigma tient salon en ligne les 11 et 12 novembre In French
  2. Jean-Claude

    in very deep Africa

    This gentleman lives at the far end of nowhere and is cripple. I promised him the photo that I printed and brought it to him, a few month later. You should have seen his face and eyes because he had forgotten! A nice gift for him and a very emotional moment for both of us.
  3. Jean-Claude

    You are too generous, thank you !
  4. Jean-Claude


    very special, I am impressed!
  5. Jean-Claude

    Lost Horizons

    "Less is more", wel done !
  6. Sorry, white wood anemones .
  7. Gary, The articles in english are at the end of the link sent previously. Here another one: https://petrudumitru.wordpress.com/2017/04/02/hallerboss-spring-snow/ In March, the forest is covered with these amazing white windflowers but they don't last long (people don't it!). In May-June, they are replaced by the famous blue bells that attract people from all over the world, many photographers. Have a very nice week-end :-) Jean-Claude
  8. Bonjour Gary, Windflowers, yes. One point for you. Please read articles in English below about this very famous and spectacular forest in Belgium: https://pdumitrunistor.wordpress.com/2019/04/26/le-bois-de-hal-en-belgique-un-regal-bleu-pour-les-yeux-et-lame/ Enjoy!
  9. First it said the picture was too big (985kb). The I copy-pasted it and now we get 3 pictures. Sorry for that ! If somebody could help to avoid this in the future, thank you in advance.
  10. one rude word was taken away I notice. I guess people will understand without it...
  11. No John. Let me tell you this true story. On a trip to San Francisco back in 2013, I went on a helicopter trip and the pilot flew under the Golden gate bridge where there is little room to pass under. Once back up in the air again he said about himself with a big smile "Not bad for a guy that got his licence last night" ! He had effectively a few thousand hours of flying of course. So my not bad to you means "very good John, I know this is not the 1st pictures of yours and certainly not in that style" :-) By the way I noticed very recently that some of your pictures have a few thousands views and only a handful of "admires". I made a similar experience: the minute you post a women, people rush and view the picture. In a couple of minutes you 30,40, 50 views where as usually just a few members wath my pictures. Sex attracts like "shit the flys" we say in french (sorry for my rude expression).
  12. The lady looks pretty with a sweet smile. I love the grey tones in your bw pictures. Bravo !
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