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Everything posted by Jean-Claude

  1. Dear Laura, Let me fisrt start with thanking for the time you took to leave a comment. Second I am just as surprised as you are that no one leaves a comment. The surprise is even bigger if you look at the number of people that watched the photo so far :116! So, why do they watch the picture? Every single has an opinion: if you like/dislike it, please tell us why. We all learn from each other and never learn enough ! Third, if you look here: How to take meaningful photographs, thread about meaningful photographs..., you will notice a lot of people with big blabla and not even capable of commenting a photograph from one of their colleagues. Now, my picture was taken in a park, not a golf course (they have no benches on the green I think:-). As you mention, the people are not distracting and I can't wait for the park to be empty. Why I took the picture? Here is the answer: "The cluster of trees in the foreground have a pleasant movement to them, and for me, this is the strength of the image.". Bingo, you won a trip for 2 persons, 1 week! You want more of what I took there as well? Have a look:
  2. Jean-Claude

    I think a bit less red color on the stones would make the picture real and nicer?
  3. I like the global tint of the image but the best is the wheat. Bravo !
  4. posted mine before seeing yours, sorry !
  5. Nobody wants to critique my photo, I wonder why? May I benefit from your extended expertise and get some comments? I would be most happy for food for thought on it. Maybe our other colleagues here will fallow, who knows? Thank you in advance!
  6. Please see my 5 last photos and you will notice that there is a point of interest next to my shadows. Point and shoot is too easy, good for smartphone geeks. They TAKE pictures. As a photographer you should take your time and make a composition. You MAKE a photograph. 2 completely different activities.
  7. Jean-Claude

    Viallge on Halong Bay

    Hello Bart, I see everything unsharp, is that possible? Nothing in focus?
  8. Thank you Todd! Feel free to commnent (also negatively!) on the other fotos of my portofolio. Bon weekend :-)
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