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Art X Photography

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Image Comments posted by Art X Photography


    good cropping and choice of perspective. colour tones work well here too. i would have liked to have seen the whole badge though, on the head tube



    1stly, B&W (or sepia?) really sets this photo up well. I think the contrasts and tones work well to portray the innocence of youth against the rustic backdrop of their surroundings (the softness of the hands and faces against the sharp contrasts of the wall and window frame). 2ndly, Felix, you have captured their curiosity well, in their facial expressions. Possibly curious about you and your wonderful hand held machine, or simply curious in you. Either way a portrait that captures the spirit of it's subject is worthy of POW. well done and thanks for sharing.


    very nice image emma. nice effect. thanks for the comments on my recent photo. if you get a chance feel free to rate it as well. regards

    Eko & Dede

    I agree with Karolos, this image had good light. Whether its through the exposure or the highlighting of mid tones (in post production,. I notice the light centers around the subjects and not throughout the image ) you have done a great job here Fredy.


    this is a good image Siamak. exposure and lighting is good, as is the subject matter.all that is missing is some clarity. I would say there is too much noise in this image than needs to be cleaned up. this may help establish DoF between foreground (couches) and background (wooden shelve or curtains )


    Dimitri this is a wonderful image. In fact i would say there is more life in this image than in some involving people. well done. se efxaristo gia to rating stin photographia mou. nase kalla

    rot in pieces

    your use of light and darkness (around the edges) is very good. everything works well. I wonder how it would look witht he clouds coming into slightly more contrast (through the use of layers maybe?).
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