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Art X Photography

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Image Comments posted by Art X Photography


    very good Florin, perspective, cropping, tonnes, all work well here. a slight blur on the arm but given your subject its to be expected. well done
  1. Hi Florin, i like the concept here. very creative. I think with an image like this you can play around with exposure, light contrasts and colour a lot more. Have you considered this in B&W with greater contrasts?
  2. another great image Marta. Great perspective and detail in highlighted areas. Without seeming out of place with the other comments here, I wonder if this image could have been exposed a few tones lighter so as to distinguish between the various landscapes? (middle left of the photo) Possibly a layered effect so as to maintain existing light tones in the overall image and not take away from the mood you've set.

    Warm landscape.

    Hi Marta, nice composition. I like the red of the foliage against the rest of the backdrop too. My only criticism is the darkness on the bottom right hand corner. It seems a little out of place against the rest of the photo. Other a great snapshot
  3. Excellent work Steve. You have done this subject matter justice with good post production work (cropping, tones and use of light layers is very good) well done. The tragedy you talk about (short life expectancy of native American's) is not limited to America but is a theme also present here in Australia (with our indigenous communities). I hope this photo creates awareness for everyone in PN. Thanks for sharing


    Nice Emma, good tones and perspective. I just wish the flies weren't there. For me they spoil it a little. Otherwise a great shot
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