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Art X Photography

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Image Comments posted by Art X Photography

  1. The mood you create here Tim, is very nice. I like your use of colour tones and exposure.  I think it could have been an even better shot with some clarrity in the foreground (2 individuals or the tree), but I understand that the haze offers a dream-like effect. All in all it's a nice capture. well done

    Going home

    Hi Mladen, this is a great photo. Your use of DoF and exposure settings is on the mark. And the added colour manipulation works well too. well done


    Nice image under what would have been somewhat difficult conditions of light contrasts and fog. As with El's comments I think this image may turn out even better in B&W with an adjustment of tones to allow for clarrity. That said the mood you have set here is very nice. well done
  2. Thank you all for your kind words. They inspire me to continue to photograph and learn:) Frode I agree with you about the bottom part of this picture. However, it's not due to cropping but rather a lack of attention on my part when I originally took the picture. I too think it would have added something more if there was some additional foreground in front of the cab. Live and learn i guess:)

    Lonely Sailor

    Poulomi, once again your ability to create a wonderful mood has been achieved here. well done. My only question is, how would this image have turned out with a little less exposure so that the light tones dont hide any of the subject's body?


    I dont know why someone would ever rate this with a 3 but then again everyone interprets things differently. In any case this image is picture perfect:) well done Marco


    Nice work Marco, this really is a great photo. Your use of over exposure and contrast(and I assume other layers) gives, what otherwise would have been rated a good photo , a rating of very good. well done
  3. Hi Christine, due to the rating you have given me on one of my photos I am not able to reciprocate within the 14day period, otherwise I would be giving you a 6/7 for this. The 6 is because you missed colouring in her pants :)) This photo has so much in it i.e. subject matter is great, use of colour is clever and creative and DoF gives this that added something worthy of a high rating. well done
  4. Seems like interior architecture is popular with the elves these past two weeks. That said I can see why as both the

    previous and current photo of the week are worthy of this forum. Firstly, I'd like to say the title for this photo is clever

    and well chosen. Secondly, the use of natural and artificial light in this pic is fantastic and well captured with good

    exposure, tones and perspective. Given the texture colours in this photo (white or lightly coloured consistent walls

    and ceiling) the definition of lines (arches and alcoves) through the use of light rather than texture is also well

    captured. The table draws the viewer into the background well, but doesn't take anything away from the room as a

    whole. Well done on that David. Most people would place a chair behind the table, however it's omittance here is a

    perfect choice as it would have been too distracting. good job Dave, thanks for sharing

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