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Image Comments posted by michael_goode1

  1. this is very beautiful, but the blown out highlights on your posterior and on the sweater are very distracting to me--they are completely lacking in any detail. if possible, I would suggest burning them in a bit, either digitally, or in the darkroom--just enough so that there is a little detail there.


    this is nice, but that the bottom is significantly lighter than the top is distracting to me. It is something that should have been corrected either in the darkroom or in photoshop.
  2. Well, i think this is the closest I'll ever get to having a POW. :p Congratulations, brother.

    That being said, I find this photo to be trite and meaningless. Some of your other portraits are very beautiful and evocative however, and certainly would merit POW in my opinion. But this says nothing to me, even though it was well done.


    beautiful lighting and posing. However, something about the model's lips bothers me, and that really ruins what is otherwise a superb photo. Also, I'll echo kevin with her eyes.
  3. I see the POW has continued to be provocative in its choice. Certainly there are people who do not find this subject matter to be the best, or the treatment to be the most artistic. However, as Darron has pointed out, that is immaterial. He did not shoot this to win the POW, but to please his clients. And as such, it is a very good photograph. Technically, it is well done, but even more than that, the framing and composition (especially the angle from which it was shot) are nice. Certainly not my favorite pic, as I don't dig the subject matter, but it is not undeserving of being the POW. Congratulations, Darron.

    My aunty

    I love this. This is not the most flattering, visually, but in this woman I see great strength and courage. High-key definitely works for this image, lifting the mood of the image. I love it.


    I think the title referred to this being the last surviving photo of the shoot, not the actual title . . . I'd have to agree that it is a boring subject. The snow is fine, however--to have the snow completely white would be absurd--there would be no detail. Why the use of the polarizar? Polarizers are like guns--it is dangerous (to your photos, at least) to have them on the camera all the time; only use one when there is a real purpose to using one . . .


    Ignore the comments saying you should have taken it differently--any differently, and it would lose its effect. IT is almost B&W, so lacking in colors is it. The only benefit to going with B&W would be if you had your own darkroom and could thus exercise more control over the image. The belief that color photos have to be wildly saturated is stupid. If an image looks good with almost no color saturation, then that's great.

    Anyhoo, good job. Beautiful image. The only thing that I might have done differently would be to change the composition a little; but still, it is very nice.


    wonderful photo. I dig it. The only problem I see with it is that the bottom right and top right corners seem a bit dark--could it have been a bit of viginetting, or is my eyesight going? Anyway, you convey your intent well in this photo.
  4. i agree with the first comment. Very nice mood, nice photo, but I envision it printed softer, on a lower contrast paper, and some burning of the highlights and possibly a little dodging of the dark side of the face.


    This photo still doesn't do it for me, although I do see it as an improvement over the rose. My problem is that I see flowers as being delicate, and the color saturation and contrast make this a very harsh photograph, and that offends my sensibilities.
  5. Oversaturated in my opinion. The combination of magenta and yellow doesn't do it for me. I think complementary colors would go better (ie, red rose and purple background)--if you look at Robert Mapplethorpe's flower photos, that is what he did, and what gives those flowers such appeal.

    iowa sunset

    Pretty photograph, although I'd have to agree that the subject (something) silhouetted in front of a sunset is quite cliched. However, still definitely frameable, although I'd suggest looking for other subjects.
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