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Everything posted by MattB.Net

  1. <p>I went out Thursday night and camped under the stars at our nearby recreation area, Hartman Rocks. It was a little chilly but beautiful and the coyotes provided a nice soundtrack to the action! I had two cameras going so I could cover different parts of the sky at the same time. I have some nice individual photos and also made some composites. Friday was kind of sleepy at work. <br> K-3 & DA* 16-50 (3 shot composite)<br> <a title="IMGP5376-Edit-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8589/28866677531_00f3a260e4_z.jpg" alt="IMGP5376-Edit-Edit" width="640" height="426" /></a><br> .<br> Moon set and meteor over camp<br> K-S2 & Rokinon 8/3.5<br> <a title="IMGP1499-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8727/28956059666_42a8945626_z.jpg" alt="IMGP1499-Edit" width="640" height="427" /></a><br> .<br> I also had a nice weekend riding bikes and hiking with my family while we still have a little bit of summer left!<br> <a title="IMGP2223" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8657/28381426514_0ced76ac72_z.jpg" alt="IMGP2223" width="640" height="427" /></a></p>
  2. MattB.Net

    POTW 8/7/2016

    <p>It's been a busy few days for me. My wife and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary on Friday with a hike like we often do. This time it was very rainy but we had fun anyway and followed it up with some good food and drink. <br> K-S2 & DA* 16-50 (timer shot on mini tripod set on a stump)<br> <a title="IMGP0101" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8620/28762261036_8212b370ff_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0101" width="640" height="427" /></a><br> .<br> Saturday I shot a wedding with my wife as the second shooter. She did pretty well but is still getting the hang of the more technical aspects of photography. She's not sure if she wants to ever shoot a wedding again! Lol, I'm never sure either. It's stressful and not easy!<br> 645D & FA 80-160<br> <a title="IMGP4557" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8409/28236468043_e11982ea66_z.jpg" alt="IMGP4557" width="479" height="640" /></a><br> .<br> Yesterday I went on a mountain bike ride to unwind with no intent to shoot but had a camera in my pack as usual. I came upon a motorcycle trials competition and had to stop and hang out for about an hour to marvel at the lines these guys can ride. Of course the camera found its way into my hand and I ended up shooting a hundred or so photos. I just can't help myself! :)<br> K-S2 & FA 77<br> <a title="IMGP0951-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8522/28223485784_f1e5448299_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0951-Edit" width="640" height="427" /></a></p>
  3. <p>Portrait<br> K-3 & Leitz Elmarit-R 135/2.8 (adapted to K)<br> <a title="IMGP4093" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c5.staticflickr.com/9/8714/27960739684_35656693e7_z.jpg" alt="IMGP4093" width="426" height="640" /></a><br> .<br> Berrries<br> K-S2 & M100/4 macro<br> <a title="IMGP8901" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8594/28600286705_80f9be6231_z.jpg" alt="IMGP8901" width="427" height="640" /></a><br> .<br> Great concert in Denver Saturday night, The Mike Dillon Band.<br> K-S2 & DA* 16-50<br> <a title="IMGP9111-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c7.staticflickr.com/9/8470/28597274902_fbdccc2162_z.jpg" alt="IMGP9111-Edit" width="640" height="640" /></a></p>
  4. <p>Walking the dog<br> 645D & FA 45-85<br> <a title="IMGP4299-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8862/27829183033_826bc9045d_z.jpg" alt="IMGP4299-Edit" width="640" height="480" /></a><br> .<br> The band The Subdudes out having an acoustic sing-along with the crowd at a local outdoor venue. A really fun and special evening!<br> K-3 & DA* 16-50<br> <a title="IMGP4001" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8716/28439589216_78fcfbe2bc_z.jpg" alt="IMGP4001" width="640" height="426" /></a><br />.<br> I got myself a lightning sensor so I can take daylight lightning shots and make them easier in general. Seems to work very well!<br> K-3 & DA* 16-50, Lightning Bug trigger<br> <a title="IMGP3507-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8853/28440012186_98ec30a6eb_z.jpg" alt="IMGP3507-Edit" width="640" height="426" /></a></p>
  5. <p>The carnival returned to the lot next to my house. <br> K-3 & DA* 16-50 handheld<br> <a title="IMGP3424-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/8/7559/27701927224_9e12a32f96_z.jpg" alt="IMGP3424-Edit" width="640" height="426" /></a><br> .<br> So we went camping after a couple of days. We can only endure so much!<br> K-3 & DA* 16-50<br> <a title="IMGP3479" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8782/28309516642_c3e7a0fc82_z.jpg" alt="IMGP3479" width="640" height="426" /></a><br> .<br> It was nice and peaceful. <br> 645D & FA 45-85<br> <a title="IMGP4261-HDR-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/9/8083/28393399585_51f70690cf_z.jpg" alt="IMGP4261-HDR-Edit" width="640" height="479" /></a><br> .<br> Now the carnival has moved on and and we are back to our quiet neighborhood. </p>
  6. <p>The Tamron will be louder to focus which might matter for your intended use. But the FF argument is a good one as-is the speed. <br> I have the 60-250 and it's very nice and when zoomed in to 100mm+ I get plenty of background separation and the IQ is great. It's very quiet too. I chose it for WR over the alternatives because I shoot outdoors in the mountains a lot. <br> I have rented the Tamron and liked everything about it except that it was kind of loud.<br> So you just need to prioritize those traits to decide. Both are good lenses. </p>
  7. <p>Thanks Bob. Hopefully it was just the last shot for now, not the final one!<br> I'll just full up my growler with fine locally brewed craft beer and drown my sorrows... ;)</p>
  8. <p>Nice Work Bob! I always like to finish my adventures like that! :)<br> Yury, I used to vacation on Hilton Head as a kid and that brought back some memories. Thanks!<br> .<br> I had the great misfortune of breaking my 2 week old K-1 last week. I was out shooting in the field and getting ready to change locations when I forgot to tighten the ball head. I set the tripod on a spot quickly to gather up my gear and the loose head flopped down, unbalancing the tripod I had carelessly not chosen a great spot for. It hit a rock right on top of the body and cracked it and now it doesn't recognise aperture info from my lenses. I sent it to Precision today, crossing my fingers I don't have a Precision Horror Story! :(<br> .<br> Last shot before the accident, K-1 & Tamron 28-75/2.8<br> Moon & Jupiter (and Earth)<br> <a title="IMGP0917-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/9/8862/28186148715_4c2c30b937_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0917-Edit" width="427" height="640" /></a><br> .<br> I shot some aluminium casting a friend was doing with my son. <br> KS-2 & Helios 44-2<br> <a title="IMGP8235-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8675/27590130783_da1323c160_z.jpg" alt="IMGP8235-Edit" width="640" height="427" /></a><br> .<br> Yesterday I took the KS-2/18-135 combo mountain biking on a challenging high altitude trail.<br> The climb is steep and can't be entirely ridden so some sections require pushing or even carrying the bike. But the views aren't bad and the downhill seems like it goes on forever!<br> <a title="IMGP8332-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c6.staticflickr.com/8/7595/28154925021_a9daf19745_z.jpg" alt="IMGP8332-Edit" width="640" height="427" /></a></p>
  9. <p>I did some family portraits last night with the K-1 & 28-75/2.8 and the AF seemed to be noticeably quicker than with my K-3 with no hunting whatsoever. This little toddler was on the move the whole time and it did very well in AF-C locking on him. I'm impressed!<br> <a title="IMGP0780" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/8/7322/27536310624_f53b244503_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0780" width="427" height="640" /></a></p>
  10. <p>Yeah the pro bodies are definitely better for events. I used the K-S2 for some mountain biking this spring but now that I got the K-1 the K-S2 will just be the adventure camera and I'll do events with the K-3 and K-1. The smaller battery cams also don't have grips available which further ensures not having to swap batteries. </p>
  11. <p>Sorry Wayne, I live in a town without any malls! (lucky me)</p>
  12. <p>You are right Justin, I may have been able to get that shot with manual focus. They go slow here and have to follow the same line. I also know the sport, this trail, and have even raced this race so all that helps a ton. I might have a lot more trouble with basketball! </p>
  13. <p>I emailed Metz and they acknowledge the problem but gave no indication of the exact cause. That FL issue was just speculation on another forum but it sounds like it's a possibility to me. They say they are developing a firmware update but it's not ready yet. <br> I'll try my Sigma 530 Super when I get a chance and see if that one has any issues. </p>
  14. <p>Sorry David, the first was actually of my son because the cat was out terrorizing the neighborhood. :) Shutter was too slow so it wasn't a keeper. <br> Harry, it's not startlingly different but the photos with the Tamron and FA 77 look very nice and sharp on close inspection. My biggest motivation was high ISO performance for night shooting which I have not had a chance to do yet. But I have no complaints about the camera. I also have a new appreciation for that 28-75/2.8 which has been performing very nicely with it. The FL feels much more natural to me than it does on APS-C which always felt a little cramped. <br> Looks like my Metz 58 AF-2 will need some kind of update to work right with it as the TTL modes don't always fire the flash. I heard it was because of focal length conversion when Pentax only had crop sensors and now they need to not convert for FF. </p>
  15. <p>It feels great in the hand. I'm waiting for new lenses while my bank account recovers but I'm already tempted to sell the 645D since I think I can get pretty close to that level of IQ without all the bulk or expense of MF. That would generate some lens money too. <br> I've only shot a few photos but the controls feel intuitive to this Pentax veteran. <br> K-1 & Tamron 28-75/2.8<br> <a title="IMGP0073-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c7.staticflickr.com/8/7385/27917300966_3f4f6c7432_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0073-Edit" width="640" height="427" /></a></p> <p>K-1 & M 100/4 macro<br> <a title="IMGP0012-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c3.staticflickr.com/8/7382/27844329362_ab84aeb620_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0012-Edit" width="640" height="427" /></a></p> <p>K-1 & FA 77, taken by my wife<br> <a title="IMGP0060" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c6.staticflickr.com/8/7412/27951653205_dd35105a32_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0060" width="427" height="640" /></a></p>
  16. <p>Last week my wife and I drove down to Denver to attend and take our son to his first concert at Red Rocks. The lineup was Ozomatli as the opener and then Devotchka with the Colorado Symphony. Not exactly top pop star acts but two of our favorite bands and our son prefers less mainstream stuff anyway. Fantastic show and the boy was duly impressed with Red Rocks!<br> K-S2 & DA 40<br> <a title="IMGP5815-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7410/27666493411_5242c296a7_z.jpg" alt="IMGP5815-Edit" width="640" height="427" /></a><br> .<br> I went out with my friend and neighbor Jefe Branham to get some MTB shots last night. Beautiful evening but the mosquitoes got bad once the sun went down. Jefe is a highly decorated athlete but is probably one of the most down-to-earth people I have ever met. <br> K-3 & DA* 60-250<br> <a title="IMGP1775-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7682/27176183403_cf5507cdfe_z.jpg" alt="IMGP1775-Edit" width="640" height="426" /></a><br> .<br> <a title="IMGP1859-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c8.staticflickr.com/8/7421/27176178823_2fa577201f_z.jpg" alt="IMGP1859-Edit" width="640" height="426" /></a></p>
  17. <p>Hin, the past few events I used the K-3 and K-S2 with the DA* 60-250 on the K-S2 and 16-50 + flash on the K-3. It may seem like an odd match with a big lens and small body but I added a monopod to the lens and it's very manageable.<br> AF was fine for subjects like this but I would prefocus on something about the same distance so AF didn't have to work too hard. <br> <br /> This was with that combo:<br /> <a title="IMGP3326" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c7.staticflickr.com/8/7560/27044287110_5aa70c137f_z.jpg" alt="IMGP3326" width="427" height="640" /></a></p>
  18. <p>Mothership cloud<br> 645D & FA 80-160<br> <a title="IMGP3971-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c8.staticflickr.com/8/7649/26884497903_665536603f_z.jpg" alt="IMGP3971-Edit" width="640" height="479" /></a><br> .<br> I worked and played a little in Taos last week. <br> K-S2 & FA 77<br> <a title="IMGP5053-Edit.jpg" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7587/27482596171_a2f345ed65_z.jpg" alt="IMGP5053-Edit.jpg" width="640" height="427" /></a><br> .<br> Iris in bloom along the swollen creek<br> 645D & FA 45-85<br> <a title="IMGP4020-HDR-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7402/27614092425_697a51a666_z.jpg" alt="IMGP4020-HDR-Edit" width="640" height="479" /></a><br> .<br> Bonus image from today's hike<br> K-S2 & DA 18-135<br> <a title="IMGP5393-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c6.staticflickr.com/8/7188/27560824901_72b0100bd7_z.jpg" alt="IMGP5393-Edit" width="640" height="427" /></a></p>
  19. <p>Looks like a great camera for active shooting. I'd consider one once the K-S2 has died but I'm hoping that is not happening soon!</p>
  20. <p>I shot lots (1000's of images) of mountain bike racing this weekend. We are trying a new business model this year too where the race hires photographers to shoot and we give away web-sized images with the race logo watermark to all the racers. I may still sell some prints but my main income from these races last year was from selling these smaller images so it's a big shift. So far it's going over well and it's nice to get a lump sum upfront for it. Maybe I will sell some prints too but it would be ok either way now. <br> K-3 & Rokinon 8/3.5 + Metz 58 AF-2<br> <a title="IMGP0472" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c7.staticflickr.com/8/7316/27044289950_da1d694ebe_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0472" width="640" height="426" /></a><br> .<br> I revisited a good spot I shot runners from last week for this shot of overall winner, friend, and my son's mountain bike coach Bryan Dillon. He was really impressive battling it out with another top pro for the entire 64 miles winning by 12 seconds at the end.<br> K-3 & DA* 16-50 + Metz 58 AF-2<br> <a title="IMGP0846-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c5.staticflickr.com/8/7362/27276844372_7528926a38_z.jpg" alt="IMGP0846-Edit" width="640" height="426" /></a><br> .<br> Finally on the holiday I got out on a ride of my own on some different trails and had the place to myself. Well except for these moms and kids. <br> KS-2 & FA 77 (6 vertical shots stitched & cropped)<br> <a title="IMGP4377-Pano-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c5.staticflickr.com/8/7496/26758842644_8d4ee31781_z.jpg" alt="IMGP4377-Pano-Edit" width="640" height="213" /></a></p>
  21. <p>Yes Hin, those are really nice! I have a roll of Venvia 50 in my old 645 right now. It's a fun film if you are into that kind of thing. It's like old fashioned Instagram! ;)<br /> .<br /> I shot a trail running race Saturday and a duathlon Sunday at the same venue so I've been busy shooting, processing, and posting those. We had really nice weather for it but boy, those races looked HARD!<br /> .<br /> Lots of runners close together not long after the start of several distances that all left at the same time on Saturday morning on the Ridgeline Trail. <br /> <a title="IMGP8522-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c3.staticflickr.com/8/7210/26887803250_b306d5408d_z.jpg" alt="IMGP8522-Edit" width="640" height="426" /></a><br /> .<br /> Here's a trail runner from Saturday getting close to the end of the 50k and looking remarkably fresh especially considering the ~4000' of climbing he's done. He was one of the top finishers and it was clearly not his first rodeo!<br /> K-3 & DA* 16-50<br /> <a title="IMGP8930-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7049/27124610481_5106c5e08a_z.jpg" alt="IMGP8930-Edit" width="640" height="426" /></a><br /> .<br /> I also went out with the dog and my wife to watch the moonrise Saturday night from a small mountain top next to town. Lovely evening but very windy at the top!<br /> 645D & SMC 67 300/4<br /> <a title="IMGP3696-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://c7.staticflickr.com/8/7658/26556017254_e339017621_z.jpg" alt="IMGP3696-Edit" width="640" height="479" /></a><br /> .<br /> I'll be busy again next weekend with two mountain bike races at the same venue. It's not bad work and these races fund most of my gear purchases for the year.</p>
  22. <p>I think you could get a K-5 for that, maybe a K-5 II if you find a good deal. I even have a K-5 I've been thinking about selling if you decide that is what you want. 16 MP, rugged/sealed, and a good performer in low light. It's crop of course so your lenses will have narrower FOVs than they would with your old bodies. </p>
  23. <p>I do and it is still working. I got mine on preorder back when they were first released. </p>
  24. <p>Nice stuff here this week! <br> I shot this pano one evening last week when the clouds were looking very interesting before sunset. I went to a favorite spot and by the time the sun went down the clouds had disappeared! I was glad I had the 67 300/4 along to get a shot that didn't depend on good clouds. The good light was very helpful!<br> 645D & 67 300/4 x6, stitched in LR6. Best viewed large.<br> <a title="IMGP3588-Pano-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7295/26895190561_0213a9b3c3_z.jpg" alt="IMGP3588-Pano-Edit" width="640" height="214" /></a><br> .<br> Yesterday I left the house at 4:30am and picked up my buddy to go for what may be our last ski of the season in an area called American Basin that holds spring snow nicely and the 4x4 access road (Cinnamon Pass) gets cleared about this time of year. <br> I turn 45 in a few days and I always like doing this trip with friends around my birthday; it's been a tradition the past few years. <br> After a couple of hours of getting there we were climbing by 6:45, headed for that couloir on the looker's left in the ridge. <br> KS-2 & 18-135 (my ski kit)<br> <a title="IMGP1932-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7698/26433710764_39cf5ecd2a_z.jpg" alt="IMGP1932-Edit" width="640" height="427" /></a><br> .<br> We made it up, then back down before touring over to another aspect in the basin. Snow in there was variable and a little tricky to ski at times but I always enjoy these adventures even if conditions aren't perfect. <br> <a title="IMGP2024-Edit" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7065/26970735241_fb1c59448f_z.jpg" alt="IMGP2024-Edit" width="640" height="427" /></a><br> .<br> Bonus pic: Here's my friend at the top of our next descent which had gotten more sun and skied a bit easier than the previous descent. We had all kinds of weather and a WR setup seemed to be the right tool. KS-2 is nice for this kind of thing and the 18-135 is small and light enough to not slow me down significantly. If the KS-1 was WR I might have gone for that instead of a KS-2 but I've been making good use of the WR feature so I think I made the right choice.<br> Good day out!<br> <a title="IMGP2098" href=" data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7655/26970737051_2940625eb5_z.jpg" alt="IMGP2098" width="640" height="427" /></a></p>
  25. <p>I think you made the right choice. I bet the SDM failures have all (or mostly) happened by now on any that are likely to fail. The newer ones have a design change that fixed the issue and new failures seem to be unusual.<br> SDM is nice. It's not blazing fast but I still like it. </p>
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