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Image Comments posted by chrisvest

    Make & Model 2

    groovy pic, filled with dreamy allusions to the f. scott fitzgerald epoch... the bust of the model bends in accord with the spare tire on the fender creating an exciting composition. but i respectfully urge: do be sparing in the use of blurring. here her left hand should be left in focus IMO. also, the skin tones of the model have taken on the same banana yellow tones as the car (which suggest hepatitis) tweak the skin tones to contrast vividly with the background... but lucky you: what a fun photo shoot. cheers.


    opps, i already commented on this. a casual pass through your portfolio brought me to it again. this picture is just brilliant.


    very nice composition and creative coloring and border. the pose is fetching and well-captured-- and tho i cannot pressume to interpret ugur's comment, i concur in the sense that the strand of hair over the models face occludes the direct gaze which would bring the center of interest solidly to the face as opposed to the belt buckle. fun, vivacious image overall. cheers.


    sweet towhee. just enough fluff of the breast feathers over the wing to look dapper and daring-- this is the pic our bold suitor will put on his facebook page ;-). confident, handsome, slightly puffed up. nice shot very well framed.

    King of the Hill

    daring and quirky-- just what we seek out in the barrage of same-ness in formulaic photography. splendidly balanced, delightfully colored, vivid, amusing and again: refreshing. bravo.


    great shot-- very "designy"-- like a smart and understated shoe ad. splendid example of restrained coloring. tells a visual story and tells it well. bravo.

    Spring Cyans

    pretty little world of cyan neatly infiltrated by the warmer tones of the hanging branches. interesting, vivid, yet simple. nice capture. cheers.


    what a great ride! the lighting is cool, as is the sweep of the curb and the atmosphere created by the distant palms. a slow exposure to somewhat blur the crowd might have been an interesting variation. i'd suggest leaving a little more room on the left. nice pic. cheers.


    clever and enticing image. there are a number of fascinating aspects, the yellow bag being the most riveting. i also like the yellow stripe along the bottom and the geometric shapes softened by the moving pedestrian. nice unusual picture.

    The Meditator

    this is an amazing tree-- and so splendidly isolated that just about any weather mood (well captured) would make a great photo. this autumny background is just such a perfect setting, tho i would have preferred to see the reflections and water ripples "straight"-- that is, rotated slightly counterclockwise. bravo.
  1. hi MJ. thanks for looking and commenting, i appreciate it a great deal.


    i'm sorry that those who rated this low gave no indication what they think i could have done to improve the image-- i would most certainly have benefitted from any thoughtful critique.

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