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Image Comments posted by cphilpott

  1. As each viewer looks at this image and suggests more contrast and color I find myself wondering if the shot as presented is closer to reality then the suggested changes. The water and length of exposure is really perfect, not to much flow, not to little, just right. The stone faces might improve with sharpening but I like it just this way. 



    interesting but it could be better. The curving architectural line is clearly a bridge but with the deck hidden in the horizon the full impact of the bridge within it's environment is greatly reduced. 

    Autumn Walk


    A well done classic shot. Great tones and no hot spots. The tree on the right that leaves the frame is a little distracting, is it possible to include more or remove it? Regards.



    Oh I like it. Never really seen such a shot as this, well done. On my monitor the image feels very contrasty with very little detail in the shooters. Composition is really delightful, tells a story in one shot.

    Ta' Xbiex


    Well done indeed. The emotion you were looking for comes across very clearly without feeling over produced. The blue boat in the foreground does a good job of anchoring and stabilizing the image. There might be too many boats but more importantly, the boats overlap and bump into each other in the image, and that makes the image weaker. But you did grand with what was in front of you. Regards.

  2. I admire your effort and self assesment in trying to capture the essence of this place. This is a world renowned urban park effort and I applaud your efforts. This image could be a strong part of that story, if the story is told in multiple images, standing alone, it does not tell the story. I think you are correct in the need to find a new angle that shows the street, the elevated walkway and finally the gritty urban surroundings. I hope you continue the project. Regarding people in the image, if you can shoot with some people in the foreground, particularly if they are walking away from the camera in an anonymous city way I think you will achieve some very strong images.



    The colors and composition are well done. The biggest thing that attracts me is the lack of a horizon, I like that, it creates a closeness in the image, an intimacy with the environment that is well composed.



    I like the color, I like the haze, I like the foreground element with the bird. But, the timber piling, it appears that the shadow and timber run together into a shaft that rises out of the bottom of the image. Not sure what could have been done about it. Good shot.

    Autumn Morning


    Great story, oh so many of us can relate to that story. I would say you should keep getting up early, this is such a wonderful shot that really shows your eye for composition and technique and post production. All the best to you. Regarding the moved leaf, for me it makes the image almost too perfect. If it were just the tiniest bit more off center or rotated just a touch, but I am niggling at a tiny detail, this is a great shot.

  3. I am a big fan of this type of motion in an image. I feel that it adds interest and mystery while also making each person anonymous. The wide angle sunset is grand and I wonder if you have another shot taken right after this one when the sun has just disappeared. One concern is the curved horizon due to the wide lens. The tower on the left, if straight would feel more natural in the image. Also the house and tree on the right are curved in just a bit. I use CS3 and the filter/lens distortion tool is quite good. Overall a very strong image.



    Your details of nature in BW are excellent. This stone shot, because it has no sense of scale really can take on what ever size the viewer wants it to be. Well done.

    Alligator Close Up


    Interesting contrast between the stillness of the water and the scene and the power of the creature. For me, it all seems a little too blue. The water is reflecting the sky but the colors of the alligator seem just a bit too blue. Fine shot and I wonder what it was like to drift by such a creature and photograph it.

    Desert Tree


    Very well done. Could you give us the sense of scale for the shot, is it miles across? There is something really special about seeing such things from the air. The details and complexity really become clear in a way that is impossible to see from the ground.

    Pike River Dam


    Really great bands of color and water and interest. Is it fall color time already? Wow, we in California just miss out on the seasons. I feel like there is a little halo effect around the pine branch in top left corner. Other then that.... good stuff.

    Andean Flowers


    Nice foreground and nice background. The image would be much much stronger if the foreground element were "next to" rather then on top of the dominate mountain in the background. Good luck.

    Sea of Stones


    Best viewed large. This has a very subtle quality of tones and various interest points that I think it would hold up well displayed HUGE on a wall so you could look at the details in the different sections. A delight.

    Green Heron


    The bird and reflection are really exceptional. The stick with border merger with the beak reduces the shot for me. How did you get such a shot of this type of bird. They always fly off for me and I get a lousy shot of tail feathers.

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