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Image Comments posted by cphilpott

    Ladybug Beetle


    I just realized I had never commented on this shot. It is wonderful, wonderful indeed, and over 200 people have viewed it and agree. Nice composition and good DOF.

  1. Good shot, nice DOF. A little change in angle of snake and camera might have made the head more visible, right now it is lost in the coloration of the snake, just as nature intended. Regards.

    Perseid Meteor - 1


    Well done indeed. My family and I went out and saw many meteors that night, alas my camera caught not a one. This is a nice presentation of a simple line of light that is very meaningful to anyone who has tried to capture a similar image. Regards.

    Around the Blue


    Since i have no actual idea what i am looking at it is interesting to comment. As a composition it almost feels like a central focal point shot even though there are interesting points in different parts of the image. The colors and focus are good. A little more DOF would be nice but it looks as if the light was too low for that option. As to what it is.... my guess is a fish eye macro. Regards.



    Well done in all the right ways, the angle of the model gazing across the scene is just about perfect. The lighting and focus on the foreground and model works very well. My one concern is the hand, it is almost in the exact center of the scene and my eye keeps returning to the hand rather then other areas of the image. Fantastic use of volcanic ash indeed!

  2. The foreground here is really fantastic and rewarding. My only quibble is the lens curve in the horizon. In a water shot this reduces the impact of the overall image, at least to me. All the best in your shooting and continued posting.



    Totally original take on fireworks. Really well done, never heard of this event. Tell us about your firework shots, very well done indeed with good color and timing.

    "The Funk"


    Interesting, thanks for the brief history story. To image a plane like this with a cast iron Ford engine in the nose is interesting. I have not before heard of this aircraft.



    The lighting does ad drama to this shot. I agree regarding a possible cropping change. About that lighting, I think some secondary light from low bottom left would round out the model and ad texture in the dark shadow areas.

    angels stadium


    This is well done indeed. I like the colors and tones. the diagonal line of handrail is too strong an element to me, but it certainly does lead the eye into the center of the image. The light levels on the field are really well done.



    If this were my image and I had access to photoshop or similar tool I would make the following adjustments. Level the horizon, use a shadow/highlight tool to open up the exposure and detail in the shadow area, sharpen the image and finally crop it in such a way that it was not a center focal point picture.



    This is a wonderful project with each element working very well. The effort you have put into each shot of the "little people" pays off in the final project. Tremendous congratulations.



    Interesting, since it is not clear how the elements in this image all arrive in the same shot it adds a little mystery. The word and the feather, how do they relate to the shrub, it is hard to tell and it is interesting.

    Morning Rush


    Well done indeed. The motion and light and colors are all working so well together. If you were inclined to share more regarding your techniques it would be appreciated by many on PN I am sure.

  3. Well done and very original. The composition and cropping is excellent and the motion is very well handled. One item, the high key effect on the horizon leave the image feeling like it is cropped with a curving line along the top since there is no definition in the sky. Possibly a hairline edge line would be an option to tie the sky into the rest of the piece. Regards.

    Old Cabin Door


    This is a simple and yet very compelling image. The HDR is a little strong for me but all the elements and colors and lines are working very well. The story is a reminder of the value of shooting old things before they are gone.

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