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Image Comments posted by cphilpott

    Half n Half


    This is good stuff. The textures and colors in the two halves are really different, really different to the point of conflict. But the water drops and the band of focus is really nicely done. Best regards.

  1. Gotta love the bridge. Nice barrel shot right down the middle with a great curving line out the bottom left. The sky has some real flat qualities and there is a shadow/hightlight tool halo along the tree line. If you work with your PS tools you can greatly reduce this halo effect while still benefiting from the process.



    Well done, the image evokes the title and the post production and presentation also really work for the subject. Taking the color out of the picture, for me, removes the time and place and makes a universal and timeless image that can mean different things to different viewers. Regards.

    Silver Lake - 1


    This is a much better image then "silver lake 2". The shoreline is interesting and the stones and tree trunks add interest and contrast to the green colors. The left side becomes the strong focal point and the eye of the viewer stays long on the scene as it moves across the mountain and far shoreline. Best regards.

    Silver Lake - 2


    You have taken other pictures at this location and this one is not your best shot at this lake. The curve of the water line could be an interesting element but the stone and signs on the left are too distracting. The color seems a little "off" on the green side and there is no compelling focal point to keep me interested.

    Cabo de Roca


    I also agree that there is another shot waiting to be presented, using only the foreground of this shot. The background looses strength to me due to the two elements overlapping on the right side. If there were a shooting angle that placed separation between each element it would be stronger.

  2. Welcome to PN. This appears to be your first posting and what a great way to start a portfolio, at delicate arch. I am curious if you have any other shots from this session that could be shared side by side with this one to give an even better feel for the evening shooting session. This shot, all alone feels like a chapter out of a book and the story could be more complete with a couple more chapters.

    The sunset and the clouds here are well done. The focal point of the shot becomes the light in the sky rather then the arch. The arch, in total black is interesting to me since it has lost the visible qualities of stone and now is just a shape that can be interpreted to be many things in the imagination. Best regards.

  3. This is such a hauntingly beautiful place to shoot. I believe this is a sunrise and you have handled all the elements well. Water, light, rocks, clouds, it is all working together in a nice balance. I feel like there is some curve to the horizon due to the wide angle lens that could be leveled out. The sun is a very bright spot, but for me, it is balanced well by the rocks in the bottom left corner. Best regards.

  4. You have some very compelling stones and light image in your portfolio and somehow this one feels a little depressed in comparison to other shots of yours. The center white and red stains are the strongest elements but with no strong focal point the overall image is very quiet. Your US four corners work is excellent indeed.

    The Glen 2


    Great composition, the slit of canyon at the back with the water in the far background really balances the shot. I am less certain regarding the people on the path, they are not sharp and for me, if they were even more blurry, with less detail it would make the image stronger. Best regards.

  5. This shot has a great sense of place with the steep hill, the fog and the old concrete road. For me, the truck leaving the frame is distracting and reduces the impact of the image. Since it is leaving the picture, my eye is drawn to it, then my eye leaves the picture right along with the truck. Best regards.



    Because there is no description it is hard to fully understand what is in this shot. I find it very interesting, it seems to be a view looking down through water at something under the surface. There is no explanation regarding the colors on the right side but they do add an extra layer of mystery. Well done.

    Conero's Sunrise


    Simple clean and full of simplicity. The brightness of the foreground feels a little strong, but the details of the composition are strong enough to balance it all out. Regards.

    Surfers feet


    Very cool, without the feet there would be no sense of scale. With the feet the shot is full of mystery and intrigue, what happens next, how does it end... fantastic.

  6. The color and tones and shapes add real mystery to the shot. I agree the highlights are a bit bright but for me, the wonderment of what is around the corner is the strongest feeling. This might work very well in BW also.

    Samaria Gorge


    I like the effect of depth and the little tree in top left really makes the shot for me. Concerns to me, pushing shadow/highlight far enough to get halos around the cliff tops. There is a  solution to this issue in one of the Scott Kelby books that I read about once. The warmth and detail in the shadow side of the canyon is very well done. Regards.

  7. Well well, you certainly have the original POV covered here. The brooding stones in the foreground really work, almost like a symbolic army of foot soldier helmets gathered to assault the castle. Anyway, The use of BW is perfect, the sky is perfect as well. You even use a center horizon line and central focal point and make that work well too. Best regards.

    Ocean Waves


    This image has fantastic color and great capture of the wave. But, the horizon is tilted just a little and that reduces the impact of the shot for me.

    Winter Light


    There is a lot going on that is good here. The foreground is very well handled with DOF although it might be just a bit light compared to the dark band of hills in the middle distance. The hills are really well lit and the clouds really make the image hold together.



    This is grand. The aircraft angle is not the best but the overall effect with the road below and the sheep and the exhaust plume and no sky visible anywhere, it all just adds up into a very unique shot. Best regards.

    f15 3


    Another great shot. These are stunning shots. Here in the US it is rare that we can get this close to such manuevers. Fantastic. This one is composed so well and the focus looks sharp, I would pull down the blue a bit.

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