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Image Comments posted by frankphoto

    Ol Fashion Trim

    Dia dhuit Jennifer, nice photo...I particularly like the low angle of view. The exposure looks tricky but you have handled it very competently. Brings back memories of the 'tonsorial artiste'(barber)I went to as a kid...he has cages of canaries on the walls, and spittoons (yech!) under the seats. Can you believe it! He would probably be arrested now, if he was still in operation. Thank you and SLAN.....FRANK.
  1. Dia dhuit Apurva,Chris and Parul, thank you so much for taking the time to view and generously comment on this photo.Chris, I didn't crop the rocks because I felt it would squash the uppermost boat into the top left corner,and would also crop the top of the boat....But, you are quite correct to point out that it would be better to crop the rocks. Parul, I know the effect you are suggesting, but I find that when I do it just doesn't look or feel right....my photoshop skills are not very advanced, but I really do appreciate your suggestion.SLAN...FRANK

    Fleabane and Fly.

    Dia dhuit Dimitris, thank you so much for taking the time to view this photo and leaving your very kind commment...in truth it's Andrew who deserves all the kudos. I have seen helpful comments from him in many portfolios across this site and there must be many photographers who owe him a debt of gratitude. I have spent so much time on Andrew's site that I'm worried he might think I'm stalking him! He is a superb photographer, as I'm sure you know, and offers his priceless advice in a quiet, thoughtful way. I have had a cursory look at your 'folio Dimitros, and I think it's really stunning....when I have the time to give it the attention it demands, I intend to 'stalk' your site too. I'm not often stopped in my tracks by someone's photo's, but I can honestly say that your's and Andrew's leaves me just 'GOBSMACKED'. And Andrew is no mean composer as well(of music)! Makes me feel very humble indeed , but also very encouraged. (I also have a problem with brevity!!) SLAN ....FRANK.
  2. Dia dhuit Antonio, thank you for taking the time to comment on this photo. I can see what you mean about it being too dark...possibly the sky is the main culprit, it seems to be too uniformly grey? I don't know much about levels or curves but I will now proceed to give it some attention. So.....thanks for the kick-start.


  3. Dia dhuit Virgil, thank you for taking the time to leave your generous comment on my 'Lifeboat' photo. Regardng my waffle above, I'm afraid I found the discussion so interesting that I rather discourteously forgot to comment on the most important thing, which is.. the Photograph! For this ommission I apologise Virgil.

    The sad fact is that I don't really understand this type of photo....my art education is fairly rudimentary and sadly lacking in certain departments. So, I don't know that I can offer anything of value by critiqueing your photo....however I'll give it a go, OK! The first thing I usually do with this type of 'enigmatic?' photo is to look at the photographers other works. This sometimes puts things into some sort of context for me. When I look at your splendid portfolio I can see that you are a very sincere, accomplished and thoughtful photographer. I find the photo at first viewing to be somewhat unsettling in that the impassive,unfeeling face of what could be a bureaucrat, or even a grave digger, appears to have me under uncomfortably close scrutiny as if to say "Your'e next". The rough, cold field perhaps mirrors the impassive coldness I see in the examiner's face. The 'texturing' is the one element that sort of eludes me! I find that this effect has, in general, been so over-used that when I now see it being employed I say to myself " Oh no, not more texturing". So, I'm not quite sure that it does a lot for this photo! Overall, I would be very proud if it was my photo and generated so much excellent discourse. Apologies again for my earlier discourtesy SLAN .....FRANK (If you wish you can rate my critique... a 3/3 would be most acceptable! F.)

  4. Dia dhuit aris Andrew, thanks once again ...Your advice is now worth 2 dozen 7/7 ratings ! I will definitely try to get my hands on the book you recommend. Some books are awful and some are excellent so it's great to have one that comes recommended...it sounds just what I need....Thanks again. Go raibh maith agat...FRANK
  5. Dia dhuit Andrew, thank you sooooo much for taking the time to expand on your comment above....I can learn more from comments like this than from a dozen (I wish) 7/7 ratings. In truth I did so much 'messing around' with this photo that I can't even recall what I did to 'improve' it. I can see what you mean about the foreground flowers having halos...this maybe caused by the way I selected the water area in order to increase the saturation. Anyroads, I will be looking out for this fault the next time. I will try to get hold of the book you mention as sharpening is a process which I find difficult to achive satisfactorally. Once again, thank you .....Go raibh maith agat agus slan...FRANK>

    Fleabane and Fly.

    Dia dhuit Andrew, I can't thank you enough for taking the trouble to demonstrate how this photo could be improved ....and it certainly is improved in your expert hands. The thing that I love about your work Andrew, is that everything in your photos seems to be so well considered. I don't know if this is something which you do instinctively, or if you actually spend some time contemplating each photo , but however you do it Andrew, you do it beautifully. I, on the other hand, am too lazy and impetuous. I couldnt be bothered using a tri-pod when I know well that I should, and then wonder that my images are not as sharp as they could be! Then I bang it up on the site and see what happens . Not a great way to go about things so I am going to have to walk before I can run! The above photo is a perfect example...I noticed the lower flower was out of focus, but I didn't give this photo the attention it deserved.....you did and the improvements are only too obvious. I will try to be more mindful in future and just spend some time looking with my brain as well as my eyes. Thank you so much Andrew. Slan.....FRANK.
  6. Dia dhuit Curec. thank you so much for taking the time to look at and critique this photo. I have absolutely no problem with your 3/3 rating and I'm very grateful for your critique. I was not really happy with this shot and decided to post it to try to find out what the trouble is. This is how we learn ....by honest critiques! And you are probably quite correct...the photo looked sort of top heavy to me....busy, all action sky and boring foreground just about sums it up! But on location it really was a great sky , especially using my polarising filter, but I guess I 'fluffed' it this time. Once again , I thank you for your thoughtful critique. SLAN .....FRANK.

    IMPACT !


    Dia dhuit Mary and Julio, thank you so much for taking the time to comment on this photo, I really do appreciate it. I have just had a quick look at your portfolios

    and will give them the attention they demand very soon......I can see I am in for a treat! Go raibh maith agaibh agus SLAN....FRANK. p.s., Julio this photo was taken in Grand Teton National Park, on Mormon Row...on my second visit, I see you have been there too! I actually prefered it to Yellowstone N.P. frank.

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