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Image Comments posted by frankphoto

    A Quiet Rose


    Dia dhuit Susan, I think that its very difficult to photograph flowers in B&W and keep them interesting. Perhaps the images are so familiar to us that we expect to see bright, 'blowsy'

    colours, and we are disappointed when we don't. Personally, I feel that so many flowers are defined by their colour that B&W can't really do justice to them. Having said that however, I have seen some really outstanding examples in, for example, the work of Andrew Campbell on P.net. As for your Quiet Rose, I'm afraid I would prefer to see it with blush on it's cheeks than in pale grey 'widow's weeds'. Its a well taken, sharp photo Susan, and I applaud your courage in giving it a go, but I think your instincts are correct in this instance.




    Dia dhuit Ronnie, this is one of the most wonderful shots of a beautiful bride I have ever come across. When I opened the image I really loved the softness of tone which seemed to really compliment the subject matter. Then I saw the adjusted version and liked it possibly even more.I think by sharpening the eyes you have added more life to the face. Having said that I suppose it's really a matter of individual taste. I wonder do women perhaps prefer the softer look and men the sharper one.....just a thought! As somebody above has commented, the shoes in the hand are inspirational, and the bare feet and glimpse of the models knee add a tasteful touch of covert sexiness. It's a really fine work and one you can be justifiably very proud of.


  1. Dia dhuit......thanks for the compliment Kathy, I was pleased with this one as it was taken from moving Makoro, a dug-out canoe in The Okavanga region of Botswana where I enjoyed a great holiday recently.I have been over to your site and enjoyed looking at your photos.



  2. Dia dhuit, thank you guys so much for taking the time to comment on this one. I would love to be able to say I took this picture face to face , which I suppose I did........but at the zoo with a thick pane of safety glass between us! What powerful and majestic animals they are...and surely deserving better than a small enclosure in a zoo.


  3. Dia dhuit, thank you folks for taking the time to comment on this one.I have to giggle every time I look at this cheeky fellows face.....a face only a mother could love !


    Secret room


    Dia dhuit Josephine, I just happened to click on this photo and then I had a peek at your portfolio....and what a revelation ! I was quite simply 'gobsmacked' by your work! It's as good as any I have seen on P.Net. This photo is visually stunning, with flawless processing. And the colours.... the cool blue create a very pleasing contrast against the warm browns and red.I won't pretend to be able to decipher what this enigmatic photo is about (I'm just not good at figuring out enigmas), but I'm really intrigued by this work. I'm going back to spend some time in the wonderful world of our rich imagination i.e., your portfolio.




    Dia dhuit, I'm afraid Mona Chrome just about sums up my feelings on this photo. Just what is it about? Good photos for me usually ask questions requiring some sort of cerebral effort on my behalf.Some ask the big questions...."Who am I. What am I doing here. Where am I going". Other photos simply ask " Who killed Roger Rabbit". I'm sorry to say that for me this photo falls into the latter rather than into the former category.I hope I don't sound too mean in my criticism because I think Miguel is a very talented photographer who has many photos in his portfolio which I think are far better than the one chosen by the elves. In fact the previous two Photos of the week were in my opinion very inferior to many other photos in their respective portfolios.I think this is possibly unfair to the photographers in question. So I would like to ask Miguel directly if he is happy that the chosen photo is represenative of the best of his work and which of his photos he himself would chose if he as to have a say in the matter.

    Best wishes. Slan....FRANK.

    Bee on Flower


    Dia agaibh, thank you all for your kind comments , they really do mean a lot to me.

    MARK....there should be a government health warning with terrible puns like that..these guys can be really bad for your health!

    SLAN .....FRANK.

    Ship on the Bay


    Dia dhuit Rachel agus John, thank you both so very much for your very generous and encouraging comments .....they really mean a lot to me, I find them more satisfying than any number of 7/7 ratings. p.s. your cheques are in the post!


  4. Duia dhuit Jamie and Ger, I was just messing about with this one...my friend Bary (in shorts) was admiring his brand spanking new Beemer, so I decided to have a bit of 'CRAIC' with Photoshop. I put a rusty hole in it, and as his dog usually travels in the boot , I added a dog. I have told him many times that one day Marge would try to eat her way out! Purely for laughs this one. SLAN....FRANK.
  5. Dia dhuit John, thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my portfolio and let me welcome you to P.Net....if you have an interest in photoraphy it's a good place to be. People are mostly well-behaved and above all genuine enthusiasts . You will, if you want to, make friends with some really remarkable people from whom you can learn lots about LIFE as well as photography. I have been a member for about 6 months now and I really enjoy looking at the work of REAL photographers and listening in (reading) to some of the most erudite discussions on every aspect of photography and the phoilosophy of photography. However let me warn you early .....if you check the ratings of even the most wonderful photos, you will find that some eejit has rated them 3/3 i.e., the lowest rating possible. This will happen to you as it regularly does to almost everybody on the site. Don't let this carry-on upset you in the least...it means absolutely nothing! The thing most members crave is informed and objective critique. But you must let people know you exist by critiqueing their work. Try not to just say 'nice capture' but offer your honest opinion....I have yet to come across somebody who does not appreciate an HONEST opinion. As to your photo above ....I can see what attracted you to this scene, but the exposure for this shot is very tricky! You have over-exposed the background and under-exposed the foreground. Now John, I'm no expert and other members may give better advice than me, but I think you should probably have used some fill-in flash to bring out some foreground detail. That's my bit of what passes for wisdom for tonight, John. Will check out your site regularly so you had better get postin'! SLAN ....FRANK.


    Dia dhuit Ger, this is a real goodie, the wistful gaze and those big dark eyes.....she (or you) should really patent such eyes! I can't see a single thing I would change in this photo... masterful! SLAN....FRANK. Just an after thought and just me being picky no doubt, but some of the blank space to the right might be cropped ..it's possibly a little distracting, especially the light shape in the bottom right corner. But on the other hand what would I know ....I'd just kill to be able to take a photo of such outstanding quality. Masterful and some! SLAN ARIS ....FRANK.
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