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Image Comments posted by frankphoto

  1. Dia agaibh Markku agus Julian, thank you both for your extremely interesting comments on this photo. It was taken in Croke Park, the national arena( 85,000 seater) for our national sports of Gaelic Football and Hurling. There is a conference centre which can be hired for functions which is how I came to be there on this particular day...my son was being presented with a cert for having completed his apprenticeship, so I had my camera with me. I had to shoot through a locked glass door which didn't leave much scope for framing, hence the cut-off on both sides. In Ireland our light-level is very low in Wintertime, hence the lights. I don't know much about this particular lighting system ....the only defence I would even make an attempt at is to point out that when they put flood-lights in last year a great deal or consideration was given to the carbon emmissions question and the consultants claim it's probably the cleanest and most modern system in Europe so I would guess the same applies to this arrangement.

    Markku, I have just been over to your site and I can honestly say I have seldom been so impressed by any portfolio...so much originality and outstanding quality.

    Julian, it looks like very hard work, but I suppose somebody has to do it (long sigh!) and not a goose-bump in sight anywhere. You'd be in terrible trouble here in our climate!. Very nice use of natural light. SLAN AGUS GO RAIBH MILE MAITH AGAIBH .....FRANK.

    Pitch Invsion!

    Dia dhuit Mary, Pete agus McKay, thank you for taking the time to view and comment on this photo, I really appreciate it. Mary, my team won so I didn't mind one little bit! SLAN....FRANK.

    tree hugz

    Dia dhuit aris Cynthia, I'm not very good at interpreting this type of 'enigmtic?' photo but bear with me and I'll give it a go! The rheumy hands are those of an elderly lady. She wears a wedding ring on one hand and a dress? ring on the other.She is hugging the tree(partner) which looks straight and healthy......but the falling oak leaf indicates that it's Autumn-time, when the trees go to sleep. The falling leaf is obviously a very important part of the composition. Am I correct, Cynthia? If I am it will be a first! Anyroads, it's one of those pictures that stick in your mind...... a vary powerful photo.Well done. SLAN....FRANK.
  2. Dia dhuit Cynthia, this is an incredibly moving and poignant photo...the title says it all. I'm sure it's also deeply personal so I'll leave it at that. Keep your chin up and please post some more of your wondeful compositions. SLAN...FRANK.
  3. Dia dhuit aris Margo, whenever I speak to somebody who has young kids , I always advise them to purchase a digital camera and take 'gazillions' of photos of said kids. Then I bore them stupid by asking them ,every time I see them, "How many photo have you taken this week". I ease my conscience with the knowledge that "one day they will thank me, for sure"! And one day Margo they will thank you for wonderful photos like this one...I'll bet it's priceless aready! You know Margo having reared 3 boys (not a hope of a grandchild yet!) I find that I can only take one of these utterly engaging portraits of yours at a time, or I become very nostalgic and ....Enough of this stuff or you won't post any more. Margo, it's always a pleasure (honestly!) to visit your site ....I am just wondering if this image has been scanned from a photo....Anyroads it's a good'un once again.

    SLAN ARIS....FRANK. p.s. Margo I just this minute discovered that you are Australian....I have a brother-in-law in Brisbane. His name is Kevin,do you know him!!!! ;););)

  4. Dia dhuit Bernhard, it is really so good of you to take the time, yet again, to offer your most valuable advice. And, you are quite correct about the symmetry thing. It's something I have considered from time to time because I'm a very symmetrical kinda guy i.e., an old square! I always gravitate towards symmetry...I suppose it seems safer than the alternative. I will really have to lighten up and give some spontaneity a try. Thank you for your erudite advice. And now to save your sanity Bernhardt: DIA(God) DHUIT(be with you) ...this is the literal meaning, but it's just a salutation meaning 'hello' in the Irish or Gaelic language. The usual reply is DIA IS MHUIRE)(and Mary) DHUIT. GO RAIBH MAITH AGAT simply means THANK YOU.

    I'm not exactly a Gaelic scholar so I won't even try to explain how to pronounce each word.....that's your first lesson in Irish, Bernhardt. It's been so nice to make your acquaintence and recieve your very welcome (and much needed) critiques.

    SLAN LEAT(good bye) AGUS(and) GO RAIBH MAITH AGAT(see above) .....FRANK.

  5. Dia dhuit Margo, I have just spent the last half-hour typing (very slowly) a very long missive , inspired by this wonderful photo......but, I clumsily pushed some button and it all disappeared !! So I will be brief(ish) for once! The kid's expression says it all...fear,delight,mischief, and the sheer joy of being alive and being a kid. We all have jobs in life and a kid's job is to PLAY! This little 'Denis the Menace' gives it 110% ... it reminds me of my youngest son David, at that age. You're doing it again Margo... bringing the old tear to the eye and the lump to the throat. Wonderful stuff ....nobody does it better, it really is your forte. Thank you for sharing. SLAN ARIS .....FRANK.
  6. Dia dhuit Jennifer and Feliz, thank you so much for taking the time to view and comment on this terrible photo! I read recently,somewhere on the site , a comment that there is a lack of humour on P.Net, so I threw this one up just for laughs(never mind the quality!).If it drew a smile or even a giggle it achieved it's purpose, and for added mirth feel free to laugh at my very rudimentary Photoshop skills. Go raibh maith agaibh....FRANK.
  7. Dia dhuit Nick, I,m afraid this one doesn't ring my bell. The colours are very nice but the focus is all over the shop. You must remember that just being colourful is not enough to make a good photo. I am very interested in plants and flowers but I find it hard to identify this one .......is it a Tradescantia (wandering sailor)? I am giving this photo a 'hard' critique Nick, because I believe you have much more talent than you are showing in this photo.And now that you are a mature 14 1/2 year old I'm sure you can now mix it with the big boys!

    So in future I won't be sparing the lash!(be afraid, be very afraid) Anyroads, stop reading this rubbish and get out there taking more great photos. I have a feeling you are going to surprise me with your next postings...so don't disappoint me ,OK. Keep a snappin' and I'll keep a lookin'. SLAN ...FRANK. Ps., Definitely a TURTLE !!!!

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