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Image Comments posted by frankphoto

    Ship on the Bay

    Dia dhuit Margo , thanks for the comment....I do a lot of grain, I'm a grainy sort really! As for poetry , you can't beat Beethoven's sonnets can you? Happy New Year. SLAN ....FRANK ( and Kev).

    cabrini deer

    Dia dhuit Mike, thank you for taking the time to critique one of my photos, I really do appreciate it. This photo is really outstanding, I now know what it's like to eye-ball a Cabrini deer. One of the 'rules' of composition states that the centre-of-interest should not be placed in the dead centre of the frame...as is the case here. However, I find that in certain types of photo, in-your-face or eye-ball to eye-ball photos , the subject can make much more impact towards the centre of the frame, so it really works well in this shot. Anyroads, it's a really fine piece of work. SLAN........FRANK.
  1. Dear Rachel, thank you for the comment ....you must forgive me for being an ingrate, but I got a great laugh out of your womanly ability to change your mind so readily, particularly in view of the correspondence below with Margo only a few days ago. ENJOY....FRANK.





    Margo Wadephoto.net patron, December 19, 2007; 04:34 P.M.


    Hi Frank ... have only just come across this one. Great capture! I think they call this the finger of God, don't they? Am wondering whether cropping the foreground a little might enhance the effect. Actually, on second thoughts, don't. It's fine as it is! Cheers, Margo


    frank gaffneyphoto.net patron, December 20, 2007; 05:01 A.M. (edit | delete)

    ........That's women for ya!


    Dia dhuit Margo, same old trick my good wife does all the time ....she can change her mind several times in the same sentence, same as you....typical women, but that's why we LOVE YOU ALL ! SLAN ....FRANK.


    Margo Wadephoto.net patron, December 20, 2007; 07:13 P.M.


    Hey, it suits our purpose to have you guys think us dotty. We can then get away with blue murder. Actually, I downloaded your image and cropped it to see what it'd look like. This achieved textbook symmetry but destroyed the special quality that you've captured in the image. Hence my change of heart. So, not totally dotty, just a bit obtuse. :)

    Ship on the Bay


    Dia dhuit John, Michael agus Jacqueline, thank you so much for taking the time to comment on this photo, I had to do a double check to ensure your comments were actually attached to one of MY photos! Sometimes I'm not sure if I should post a particular photo, as was the case here. To then receive such encouraging critiques from three such accomplished photographers is just so rewarding and instructive for a learner like me.I feel like Santa Claus has just been here three times.

    Thank you once more---GO RAIBH MILE MAITH AGAIBH....FRANK.


    The Feather (II)

    Dia dhuit Jacqueline, I don't give out 7/7's willy nilly...I reserve them for those rare examples of, what I consider to be, excellence ! And on these occasions I usually wish I could give 10/10! This photo quite simply ambushed me.... really stopped me in my tracks or to offer my supreme accolade on your whole portfolio I am 'GOBSMACKED'. What a wonderful, striking and so very individual portrait....those marvellously engaging eyes and enigmatic expression and your use of light are simply superb. I will be back to your work very soon to give it the attention it demands. SLAN.....FRANK
  2. Dia dhuit Maria, thank you once again for taking the time to comment on one of my 'Birdy' shots. Every time I post a photo with a bird in it I anticipate a very welcome visit from your good self.....and I usually get one! Thank you for your encouragement. SLAN...........FRANK.
  3. Dia dhuit Margo, same old trick my good wife does all the time ....she can change her mind several times in the same sentence, same as you....typical women, but that's why we LOVE YOU ALL ! SLAN ....FRANK.

    Magpie in Tree

    Dia dhuit Maria, this guy was preening himself in a tree, on the street outside my house, just begging for his photo to be taken.....he was even kind enough to wait untill I got my camera out. Thank you for the compliment. SLAN ......FRANK.



    Di dhuit Colin, I think this is a very pleasing portrait. But without having any great knowledge of portraiture (or anything else for that matter!)I will have a go at a critique( hopefully we'll both learn something!). Having to scroll up and down in order to view the photo is cumbersome for the viewer and doesn't do justice to the photo. I think you need to resize the image prior to posting it. You probably couldn't do anything about it at the time, but the background cloth is very distracting, perhaps if it was out of focus it would be better. I have seen it before, but I don't know what causes the orange coloured halo along the edge of the model's arms and face (somebody else might help on this one). The framing looks awkward with the models left arm so close to the edge of the frame and the cut-off elbow doesn't help. On the positive side,(at last) the lighting looks quite good and the image ,especially the eyes look quite sharp (in focus)and the model is very attractive . I hope Colin,you don't think I'm being totally negative, it's not my intention....after all this photo did stop me and demanded a second look! Best regards, SLAN...FRANK.


  4. Dia dhuit Lori, a very belated thanks once again for taking the time to view and comment on this photo. I wish I could produce something as good as your works Lori, but I really do enjoy 'mucking' about at this hobby of ours. Great to hear from you again, Best regards. SLAN.....FRANK.
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