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Image Comments posted by frankphoto

  1. Dia Dhuibh,

    to all those people who took the time to comment and rate this photo, I extend my heartfelt thanks. I quite literally only posted this one for a bit of fun...I didn't seriously think anyone would be bothered commenting ...but to my great surprise it got a number of good reviews and some good ratings eg.,

    4 ratings, Aesthetics: 5.14/7 Originality: 5.14/7

    This is the most fun I have had since I had my appendix taken out with no anaesthetic (he he he)... It just goes to show that photography can and must include a large element of plain old FUN... and life is too short to take ourselves seriously all the time.So There!!!


    Slan libh.. FRANK.

    My Plate 2


    Dia dhuit Salvatore,

    I just love this shot...the expression on the girls face is priceless !! The fuzzy/graininess of the photo makes it much more interesting than if it were pin sharp....I don't think 'sharp' would have been half as interesting or effective, and the way the photo is cropped adds to the dynamic tension of the image.

    Slan... FRANK.

  2. Greetings , and many thanks to all those who took the time to comment on this photo. It's very encouraging for a novice like me to read your valued comments. (My ambition after all, is to become an Improver!!!!!). Go raibh mile maith agaibh... FRANK



    Dua dhuit Maya, this image is striking in it's simplicity....one of those photos I look at and say "Now, why didn't I think of that?". Reminds me of those wonderful Japanese drawings one sees in books. Minimalism at it's best!

    Slan.... FRANK.



    Dia dhuit Sandy, I think you got it in one....the frame detracts from what is a fine photo ....my advice for what it's worth is get rid of the frame, it's way too

    fussy, and maybe try a more discreet one.

    Nice photo though.

    Slan.. FRANK.

  3. Greetings , and many thanks to all those who took the time to comment on this photo. It's very encouraging for a novice like me to read your valued comments. (My ambition after all, is to become an Improver!!!!!).

    Go raibh mile maith agaibh... FRANK.

  4. Thank you all so much for offering your valued critiques...beginners like me badly need this kind of constructive criticism . You are all quite correct about the detail in the dark area. When I viewed this photo on my P.C it was in a much smaller format and the 'debris' was much less obvious.... so, as you suggest I will have to use it or lose it !!

    Go raibh mile maith agaibh.. FRANK

    p.s., Megan ..I'm afraid I dont know what the "zone system" is ... perhaps you would kindly point me in the right direction on this one ( afterall, my ambition is to become a 'Improver'). Slan, FRANK



    Dia dhuit Simon, I really like this portrait ... the colours, textures and contrast make this a startling image, but for me it's the eyes that have it!! They seem to look right through you....to chalenge you in a slightly disturbing way... the more I look at them the more I am drawn into the picture...It's like good Rock and Roll, dark and dangerous. I can only stand and stare in complete awe!!

    Slan, Frank.



    Dia dhuit a Chloe, I really admire this photo...it's dark and dangerous , the way rock and roll was before the advent of 'boy bands'... it's moody and broody and the grain emphasises these qualities. For such an apparently young photographer you appear to have an intelligent and thoughtful approach to your photography...please don't ever change this approach!

    As for cameras, I'm afraid I can't offer you much in the way of specific advice but if it's of any help I will pass on a piece of advice which I have always tried to follow.... Irrespective of the type of camera you have, when you look through the viewfinder always think of three things: Compose , Compose , Compose. And remember that the piece of equiptment that gives the most trouble is the big nut at the rear of the camera !!!!!!

    Slan Leat , FRANK .


    unknown depths


    Dia dhuit a Hekate, this is the kind of photo which is so often done very badly....some photographers think that any sort of an old blurred image can be construed as art !! Now, I'm no expert but, this image looks the Real McCoy to me.

    The subtle colouration and graininess are perfectly complimentary and the sweeping motion lends a sense of drama to the work. I was really stopped in my tracks when I came across this image...how can such a simple image have so much going on in it ?? Wiser heads than mine will have to answer!

    In short, I am in awe !!

    Slan, FRANK.



    Dia's Mhuire Dhuit(Hi!) from Dublin, Ireland. In 2006 I spent 2 wonderful weeks walking in your beautiful country ....in Bohjing and Kranska Gora (forgive any mis-spelling). I hope your English is better than my Slovenian !!

    Your whole portfolio is very impressive..I really like it, in fact as a beginner I feel loath to criticise your work ....but I will-He,He!

    I like this portrait...it's simple and the lighting is good. The model has a dreamy look which is complimented by the soft focus. My only criticism is that I feel the picture might be improved by sharpening and emphasising the model's

    eyes...they are very attractive so why not show them off !!!

    Slᮠagus beannacht ....FRANK.


    I like the light, which gives a dream-like quality to this photo. I'm perhaps being picky but perhaps the grass on the right-hand edge could be erased. Just trying to be constructive...I really do like it very much. Regards, FRANK.
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