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Image Comments posted by chrisalmerini

  1. This is a great example of "seeing" and why you consistently post outstanding images. This almost looks too fake to consider it came out of a camera but knowing your work- I know it is real! Very nice capture and I am sure the color version envokes the same shadow play on the mountains but may be too much contrast? Anyway, another outstanding post! Chris


    Jim, I too love old barns and things falling apart. I travel all over western NC and find similar scenes all the time. I always have the same thought when I see this- What was the place like when the good times where happening? I like the contrast you have here with the horizontal lines and then the lines of the buildings. Nice composition. Great job! Chris



    Comments and critiques welcomed. This one was lost in the upload file

    and not posted earlier. This was taken earlier in the year, probably late

    spring or early summer. Thanks! Chris

  2. When I pass a similar scene here in NC, I always drift to thinking about the day the old buildings were built. Those builders had such high hopes and expectations of what they were doing. Then my mind travels to the what happened part on why the buildings are no longer used. Becasue of these ideas is why this subject matter works so well. I stopped on this image with the same thoughts even though I am not there in person to see. Thanks for sharing and a very nice image! Chris

    Along the gorge

    These shots are too inviting but very difficult to correctly capture. As you see from the edit posted aboce the shadows are enhanced to show more detail. There is a wide dynamic range of light here with the sun beams- almost too much for the camera to handle. The composition is great it is the shadows that need a little help. Double processing could do this by combining 2 images- one for the sun beams and then a 2nd for shadows. I try and try with these but never can been pleased without some significant computer processing. Chris
  3. One of my favorite locations...Very nice capture. When I was last there I climbed over the fence and down the rocks to include more 'natural' look. All that white can be difficult to expose correctly- you did well. Chris

    Island Painting

    I stopped on this image immediately! What a very neat idea! I feel like this could be found on a side of old building in southern Maine. I love the coast of Maine and this image really is an outstanding one! Chris

    Dawn Meditation I

    Very good image...a thought to consider??? What if you included the rock on the right side a little more? I feel the peace and the morning breeze with this one. Fine to leave it alone- your choice but since you posted it for a response. Very nice! Chris
  4. You are off to a fine start. The only comment to consider for this image is the time of day is wrong. Mid-day is my guess by the harsh light on the hay rolls. As you will see by looking at other images and noticing what makes them special? It is the light. Most interesting images or those that convey strong feelings are captured during morning or evening light before the sun is too high in the sky. Keep posting and more importantly keep shooting and you will see great improvement. Chris

    view large

    I really like what you have captured here but 2 ideas to think about as to improve the image. First there seems to be 2 'black' spots from your lens or sensor in the sky that need to be cleaned up on the computer. One spot is directly off the tip of one of the windmill blades. Also could be a bird flying in the distance. The 2nd idea is to include the whole red thing on the right. The top is cut off making me feel uneasy about the top- What is missing? I hope this helps but again I like the idea here. Chris

    Sunset surfers

    An idea to think about...When I first look at the image my thinking is the surfboard is out of place and looks intentionally placed there. But then it seems okay but still the 'feeling' is just off. I know this is vague at best but I wanted to provide some feedback. Chris
  5. A good idea but here is some more to think about...The rocks on left side are problematic- cause eyes to wonder over there which then distracts from the lone tree. The crop on the top is too close to the tree- making the image feel closed in. Some ideas to correct this; move the camera angle as to allow the tree fit the frame, remember the tree is why you wanted to press the shutter not the rocks in the foreground. Get closer to the tree and use a wide angle lens- see how that looks. Crop about 20% of the left side out- I think this may work best. I hope you find these suggestions helpful. Chris

    Mabry Mill


    Here is a shot from straight on- because like you trying to find something new and interesting to capture here. This one is taken probably at least 3 hours later in the day. Chris


    Mabry Mill

    Chris thanks for the ideas. As you know this place is photographed over and over. To the right of the split rail fence is a paved walkway which I wanted to avoid- hence the crop along right edge. To the left I would have included more of the green hillside which is not why I took the image and plus the Blue Ridge Parkway is right there. My focus point is/was the reflection. The sky was overcast so I tried my best to limit that behind the trees. I have sold this image several times printed on Rag paper and the comment usually is"The window needs to be open" but I was here too early in the day for that. Anyway some of my responses to your ideas and I really appreciate your time in sharing your ideas. Chris

    Norway 1

    Thanks for sharing and willing to solicit feedback. My only comment for this and some of your others in your portfolio- mid day light. Mid day light is very hash and casts tones on photos that detract from the beauty we may see before us. You took this image beause you were there and liked what you saw, that is fine, the light caused the image to appear washed out- by this I mean not vibrant. Morning and evening light brings life to photography, that is why most photos are captured in the 'golden hours' of the day close to sunrise and sunset. I hope this helps and keep posting. Chris
  6. I really like your idea for the composition. Some ideas to consider to make it even stronger: The bird next to the tree is distracting- clone it out. Since you may be trying to communicate the contrast in the scene- yellow and green-- may be move the camera to the left slightly to give the appearance of a 50/50 split between the colors. I think it may help because all your other lines are so strong. Really a very good image, just some ideas to consider. Chris
  7. Jim, I was to Sol Duck falls earlier this year (May) and was totally take back by the area. When I was there snow was still on the ground near the falls! The light reflecting off the rocks is very neat! This is an outstanding photo- I am sure many folks who would pass by the same spot would miss it! Great capture. Chris

    Lucifer falls

    I looked at some of your other waterfalls and this one for a period of time before commenting becasue my 1st reaction is that this one was captured during the mid-day time period when light is very harsh. And then when reviewing your other images much of the same thought came to me- harsh light confirming my original idea. So many of the great images you see are captured with dramtic light. Dramatic light usually happens close to either sunrise and sunset. This image along with the others technically are okay- just communicate no feeling. I hope this helps. Chris
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