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Image Comments posted by oxymor0n

    Nude I


    nice composition, I really like your point of view and the angle you chose. what I miss here is a tad of sharpness _somewhere_. your DOF is just right, only the hair or yes or face or whatever could look better with a bit more shaprness (I think). cheers,




    nice composition, the black glove works very well here and was the thing that caught my attention. also the red rose in combination with her red shirt makes for a good contrast to the rest of the image. nicely done, greetings,




    hallo monika,


    dir ist hier eine wunderschoene aufnahme gelungen, die verwendug der textur(en) gefaellt mir richtig gut!

    das bild wuerd sich auch super als cd-cover eignen :)


    lg aus Klagenfurt, patrick



    wow! what a stunning shot, I'm amazed! this must be one of the best nude portraits all around PN and for sure one of the most remarkables. I mostly love the expression on her face, the look of her eyes. guess nothing to improve here, perfect! congrats,




    cute shot Farrah :)


    concerning your question for the super white background:

    you need separate light(s) that only point at your seemless white paper.


    but be sure to manually set the exposure so you subject appears not to dark and the background stays white.


    hope this helps, good luck,




    what a wonderful and captivating portrait, Daniel! I love the nice colors and her enchanting eyes, you nicely captured here beauty and created a very enjoyable mood. thanks for sharing, best wishes,


  1. wow Bhabesh, this one looks awesome when viewed large! the details in the structure of the rocks, the perfect fitting colors in the middle and the mystical lower part act together wonderfully to make a great overall result! hope to see more like this in near future :) congrats,


    blind thoughts


    you put it in a nutshell, bw-images live and die with the presence of contrast, that's something I still have to get in my head when trying to get good bw-shots.

    or maybe I'm just more the color-type shooter, don't know :)


    nonetheless, thanks for your comment, greets

    blind thoughts


    ..your words mean very much to me, I admire your photographic eye and I am glad you took the time to let those eyes wander around in my photo :)


    your right, the upper part of this shot could do smoothly without the rest. but as you may understand, I had no chance to move the sculpture too far from its place ;)


    thanks again, best wishes, patrick

    blind thoughts


    ..thanks for your suggestions, I also wasn't totally satisfied with the result but not though motivated enough to play around with it anymore :)

    I think the way the photo looks now, makes it appear in a nice and unusual mood, which is not bad imho.

  2. hi Alex,


    danke fuer den tipp mit dem vielen raum unten, da geb ich dir recht, könnte weniger sein. faellt mir aber erst jetzt auf, wo du's sagst, danke, das sind wertvolle tipps!

    das ist in der tat da gegenueber vom suedpark, ist ja der lastenbahnhof soweit ich weiss? nur diese waggons stehen da soweit ich gesehen hab nicht mehr, ist auch schon laenger her, das ich dort fotografiert hab. aber mal hinschaun lohnt sich bestimmt, ist ja nicht weit weg von dir :)


    lg, patrick


    thanks for your hint concerning the empty space on the bottom, it's a very valuable hint for me, hope to receive more comments like this in future :)

    Autumn's Warmth


    Morteza, this is such a wonderful and admirable shot, I love the warmth and the overall great feeling you created here. the POV works perfectly and your extreme focal length was the right choice. congrats,


    blind thoughts



    what do you think about this bw-landscape shot? does it seem unnatural to you? do you like the rise in contrast from top to the bottom? what do you think about composition and point of view?


    I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts - thanks for your time, patrick



    a warm winters eve at sunset in the countryside invited me to take a few shots. it was right after a tiny bit of snow has fallen, too bad there wasn't more snow :)


    hope you like this shot and help me with your knowledge to make a better one next time :)

    cheers, patrick

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