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Image Comments posted by oxymor0n

  1. thank you, Alvaro. I'm glad you like the result of my efforts :)


    photography is indeed a way of showing people the photographers view, that's what people (including me) sometimes forget. but isn't that also an interesting part of photography? showing others your point of view without making them notice that it's your point of view?


    all the best, kudos, patrick


    played with my dslr when this cutie came across :) was quite hard to focus and get a sharp frame while the black lady was always approaching pretty fast, looking for some affection :)


    thanks for any comments, cheers, patrick

  3. thank you very much, Brian. you are right abou the HDR processing and the shaprening. I almost every apply a bit of sharpening in postprocessing, since I think my lens doesn't produce a satisfactory amount of sharpness.


    as for the crop, it was really hard for me to decide which one to like more and both have their pro's and con's.


    I hope you enjoy your trip to the Causeway today and I'm looking forward to see some nice shots :)

    cheers, patrick

  4. thanks Gareth, you definitely should take the time to get up here, at least once. it's worth every mile you have to drive, and I guarantee it wouldn't be the last time you came here when you once have seen the natural beauty of this coast :)


    all the best, cheers, patrick


    what a wonderful and silent shot , Nikos! I love the mood you created here, please keep on shooting pictures like this and posting them here. I'm looking forward to hearing/seeing more from you :) all the best, kudos, patrick
  5. it's nice to hear u also have been to Giants Causeway, Alberto :) and I really understand your love to Ireland, how could one not love it?! :D


    you are partly right about your preference of the original crop, it does add depth but on the other hand I think it weakens the structure and appearance of the black "cobblestones". photography can be so difficult when it comes to decisions ;)


    thanks again for your kind words, cheers, patrick


    As I saw the sun setting yesterday, I was sure I had to do a quick shot in the small but nice garden of my new house.

    hope you like the result :)


    please support me with your honest critique, thanks, patrick


    a sunny lane


    thanks James/Jim (?), your words brighten up my day, they make my day :)


    photography means so much more to me than pressing the shutter of an electronic device, and PN is just one great way to share this experience, to broaden one's horizon.


    thanks for your different ideas on one topic/scene, guys


    I made this one in the Normandy on my journey through france. more precise it was Omaha Beach, that you can see here. The landscape was overwhelming and if you have any chance to get there, do so! :)


    thanks for any kind of comments, patrick

    a sunny lane


    I am very happy to get a different 'voice' on my shot as well. it's not (only) the fact that you like the way I did this shot :) it's more the idea of a small discussion around what I did and how people react to it.

    isn't that also something photography is about? showing people your way of thinking, of looking, your impressions and encourage them to think about your way of showing something and how they like it / would have done it?


    thanks for your comment, cheers,


    a sunny lane


    thanks for your lot of ideas and your honest words. I think it's as important to hear others views as paying attention to your own ideas.


    the same goes for "rules" (in photography) - try to work with them but if it feels right to break the rules, then break the rules.

    especially in photography it's not all about rules and technical perfection, it's about feelings, personal viewpoints, telling stories, transporting emotions, ...


    your thoughts are very appreciated and I will keep your words in mind. it helps me a lot to get any kind of input from others. sometimes I just go blind on my personal point of view.


    thanks again for your time, I'm glad for hints or suggestions

    a sunny lane


    I see your point, and I guess you're mostly right. it wasn't the best of all ideas to cut the tree in halfs. is this perspective kinda like the one you were thinking of:



    and to show you, that I had the same thoughts about the somehow distracting tree-crop, here's a little experiment (nothing more though):



    thanks again for your time, would be great to hear your thoughts on these 2

  8. ..I'm sorry to disappoint you concerning the composition. this girl really stood exactly where she can be seen on the picture. I've only removed another person which seemed distracting to me.


    thanks for your thoughts, best wishes, patrick

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