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Image Comments posted by oxymor0n



    imho the contrast is pushed a bit too high/far. thus, some details in the hair are lost on my screen and the skin looks a bit harsh bright. otherwise a nice composed shot, I also like the square format.cheers,




    nice candid smile, though somehow her eyes irritate me a bit. the left eye seems to be opened a bit wider and is more in focus/brighter. nonetheless, I love her curls and the overall feel with the tack sharp areas of hairs and face. congrats,




    fabulous image, Alex! I like the way the brigde pulls my attention into the image and to the clock tower. the long time exposure works perfectly here, really well done! congrats,



    Now that I left Ireland again after 5 month of pleasure, I find the one or other shot on my hard drive that makes me sentimental for a moment or two :)


    hope u like the seascape scenery and tell me what you think about it. cheers, patrick


    just wanted to watch the sunset myself, when I saw this lovely couple stopping for a short moment of silence.

    the lighting situation was not perfect for snapping an 'unflashed' shot without disturbing them.

    hope you like the scene, thanks for ratings and comments

  3. danke fuer deinen ausfuehrlichen Kommentar und dass du dir ernsthaft Gedanken ueber das Foto gemacht hast. Es ist nicht wirklich mit IR-Filter aufgenommen worden (da ich keinen besitze). Ich hab dafuer einen IR-Effekt des Photoshop-Plugins Nik Color Efex verwendet.


    Zum Bildaufbau, ich hab hier mal drei Versionen erstellt, die deine Vorschlaege beruecksichtigen (Perspekt. ein wenig korrigiert + Steine entfernt / verrueckt).


    Sieht das in etwa so aus, wie es vor deinem geistigen Auge ausgesehn hat? Welche Setup sagt dir jetzt am meisten zu?

    LG, patrick








  4. Cristopher, thank you very much for your nice words. I really appreciate your detailed comment and the time you took to have a look at this shot and write down your thoughts.


    also your minor critique helps me alot, I will keep that in mind for the next shots.

    thanks, cheers,



    a kind of different shot - providing discrepancy in content and mood. what do you think/feel about it? does it work for you?

    I'm grateful for any hints and ideas you can provide, be it ratings or even better: your honest words.

    thanks for your interest, patrick


  6. thanks Tim, you're absolutely right about the 3/3s. I'm used to receive at least one on each of my shots, but sometimes I'm just curious to know what people want to tell me by that.


    since I know there's still a lot for me to improve, it would be great if especially the not-so-good parts of shots are pointed out.

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