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Everything posted by chuck_foreman1

  1. <p>Very pleased with all the posts I see. I think the graduate is a great shot. @RickD a lowly BL. I shoot the Skopar on a few similar models... but your PMK shots are so so .. great . MC I love your pun on old glass! Mike excellent shot wide open.. 3.5 was once considered fast and comparatively speaking is anything above F8 is pushing it I think. Some days the CMC bug bites and you shoot all your film. I really like that last shot with the sky and the building contrasted. <br />I don't remember the last time I posted? It was recently right? If I posterd these already then sorry HEre I've used 6X9 Bessa I w/triplet and two from the 35mm Voigtlaender Vitessa 1000 with 42mm Tessar that has a matching yellow filter.</p><div></div>
  2. We are clunky folk we americans.. hahha. Great way to shoot . You never have the right gear.. that's a given! I also don't know this Kodak gem, but I will be keeping my eye out for one with the manual options! Thanks for a great post!
  3. Excellent. I too really liked "May Morning" All the images were excellent. So PMK for MF and HD for 35mm? Your descriptions of FSU cameras is right on. When good..then very good and then.. How much does the lens weigh? A 2,8 150mm lens must be massive glass there. At 250th were you stopped down a good bit ?
  4. Like some of you I wanted to show my Wife that there are worse case scenarios . She didn't bother with the link... . I think there may be one 1928 Leica there but ...you gotta play to win!
  5. Unbelievable Camera Collection I enjoyed this on a whim .. and don't take it too seriously.... meant as a laugh. If we can't laugh at ourselves.... Since the listing is in German. .well scroll down I think you get the idea. The seller says in the final sentence .. "Seriously guys you will need a spare room to house the collection. A station-wagon won'T suffice, please consider a van or other transport vehicle" In the listing they mention 40+ other cameras of modern compact design.... too numerous to mention. An array of lenses,flashes, cases, literature ... and on and on ... ...will translate upon request http://www.ebay.de/itm/Die-unglaubliche-Kamera-Sammlung-Balgen-Spiegelreflex-Holzkameras-Objektive-/191563759398?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item2c9a16ff26
  6. Apartment house in Oberkassel on the Rhein<div></div>
  7. <p>I did these pics a month opr so ago, but I only now got around to developing them. This was done using my Rolleiflex "T" with a reducing back to to get 16 exp of 6x4,5. These subject may have already been posted as I tend to do the same stuff over in different seasons and different CMCs</p><div></div>
  8. Excellent look and congrats on the two new lenses. But I will die happy if I ever get a 21mm Biogon.
  9. <p>Woww what a co-incidence. I saw this retro Android App and I so wanted That I rooted my phone in anticipation Flashing the ROM to get the free version the older (Gingerbread) costs so this is drastic. Haaa ! Loved your results The Retina series just blows you away with build quality. I might need to look closer at these non-folders. Very Nice post indeed! </p>
  10. Great Shooting Tony .. I love that first shot from above. @Esa like to see some puch process stuff. I love your "glowing" Pyro work Tony . I wish my stuff would look like it came from umm "down under"
  11. Great Shooting with a Great Kamerarucka... The other day a youngster exclaimed in a post "Wow you have a Rolleiflex" and while mine is a tidy Hmm mmm "T" model.. I thanked him politley... But now I get say "Wow what a Rolleiflex" with a 2.8E you don't get any better .. Great shooting all around loved every pic.
  12. I see you took the Ensign at his name .. "Selfix" --- Well Done!
  13. Have you tried it on a 4x5 Graflex SLR or larger for that matter? On a 6x6 SLR it would theoretically work as a tele/portrait lens maybe? I'd try tp shoot befopre selling it.
  14. I find the results acceptable and less than fuzzy. I like ship masts. Looks like a a cool way to adapt flash like that.. I generally accept .. "no flash" as a fine reply to pre PC connectors. But really synced flash was so easy to get good results .
  15. I have wanted t oshare my expereicnes wit hthe Nagel cameras .. They are really well built.
  16. for fun Carl you can probably find some outdated film on Ebay... Looking forward to your results!
  17. Wow.. What great stuff that was posted this week. Especially like these last two from Ercona.. I probably will have to get one soon.. I'm sitting on the mother lode!
  18. Wow.. a dream lens on my dream camera. I will never be able to attain this lens. You have demonstrated well here it's capabilities. I probably would not be up to par with the lens to do it justice if I had one. I love your results. A Plustek film scanner eh? I've looked at those too. . A most excellent post! I like how you showed the peculiarities of mounting this lens. A shame that the prewar design is un-coated and doesn't fit later models. I guess you can't have everything.
  19. <p>Geez JDM.. This is a sorry state to stumble upon.. Please Don't Never say never!! I want you to still be the keel of this forum. We all take sabbaticals and your wry sense of humor and even handedness is for me legend. I don'T want this to be goodbye, but out of gentlemanly respect, I will bid adieu.. I may yet write you on similar DDR topics and know that we all need to reassess our priorities. Been at such junctions and .. never say never!! </p>
  20. <p>Glad to see you found a way to use that 116 film. BTW the first pic looked familiar. Have you confirmed pinholes in bellows? I think this type of leak is consistent with the ruby windows. Covering with tape and opening/winding in shaded light might help. <br> I think all folders are great fun.... I too have a Kodak No 1A 116 Autographic. I shotsome C116 back in 1986 or so but since then less than serious attempts to use 120 film have fallen flat .<br> I have a later Kodak Junior 616 of inferior build quality. The bellows are shot ... those pinholes created some interesting negatives.. useless.. but still on hand hahaaa.<br> I found the longer negative (panoramic?) interesting. A few years ago a machinist fellow Minh Nguyen http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=1599716 had rebuilt some of these better 116s and 124s to use 120 film. Camera Hacking :)<br> http://www.photo.net/classic-cameras-forum/00N9OF --> check out these results!<br> @ Donald " but I do have to step back and devise or machine a tool that will allow to apply proper force and vector." ... me too...Hahha and this is why I never get anything done !!</p><p> </p>
  21. Indeed great stuff. Like the statue and the vase a lot. I have a set of these Rolinaars + 1 etc. Can you show the setup while I seem to have matched lenses.. what is the "prism" that goes over the parallax corrected lens? ??
  22. My god I better go look at mine. It came from my father-in-law.. who had inherited a Contax RF (?? maybe pre-war) sold it (Grrrr ) and then one day his grandson took a shine to this tidbit laying around Grandpas tidbits and brought it home. Eureka!! I had only a Kiev then. Now I have a pre- and a post-war Contax both in working but shabby condition. BRB Ok.. I put it on my Fed and it doesn't block the shutter. So mine is the usual later version. MMhh par I guess being sold with Contax camera as a "bargain" viewer I guess.<div></div>
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