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kasey wilson

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Image Comments posted by kasey wilson

    I'm Outnumbered!

    LOL! Yes, well, the 'devilish' grins are a direct result of their mother telling them not to swallow their gum while lying on thier backs, because if they did and then they farted, their butts would blow bubbles... ;) KW
  1. Angela, I appreciate your comment so much! This was an accidental capture, as we were leaving the park for the day. When I looked over my pics, I immediately was drawn to this one. It does create an emotion, especially for me, as their mom. I am very well aware that these days are flying by! I wondered why it was not that well received, but I liked it enough not to delete it! Your words are very encouraging! :) KW

    The Pretender

    LOL!! I do appreciate the time you spent helping me with this image, Micki! You are absolutely right about the 'aha' moments, I've had a couple of those already. :) My parents went to Vegas, and while there they had one of those 'paste your heads on fantasy bodies' images done. It's horrid! You can see the green from the chromakey screen all around their heads. And yet, they paid a good bit for it! Amazing!
  2. Wow, such an amazing door! I realized the cat/guard connection as soon as I saw this image! He could also be 'pretending' that he lives behind those doors... Without the song title, this is an image capable of standing stronly on it's own. A fine work, kudos to you! :) KW

    Sunset Ripple

    LOL! This is a fantastically composed image. The line of trees seems to move toward me, and I like the curve tremendously. The element I like most in this image is that all three birds look identical! Amazing! :) KW
  3. WOW! This is so fantastic! The water is such a lovely color, and in fact, all the blues work together very well with the neutral sand and skin tones. You could be the little mermaid looking at her legs for the first time! ;) KW
  4. Thank you, Jeff! I love this age! She just turned four on September 8th. She's big enough to think the world is captivating and wonderful and beautiful! She sees it how I want to see it. But energetic they are! Keeps me on my toes! :) KW
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