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kasey wilson

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Image Comments posted by kasey wilson

  1. Inger and Jeff, thank you for your comments! I was pleasantly surprised that I got such positive responses on this image. I love carousels, I have since I was a child. This was an exceptionally beautifully one... :) KW


    Love new crayons, still one of my favorite things! And these guys are the good ones! ;) I like the randomness of the composition, they look like they just spilled from the box... The only thing I would say is iffy is the one brown one in the bottom right corner, but really, that's just a nitpick, certainly doesn't alter your image... I like it! :) KW

    Metal Ball

    Hmm... I clicked on the thumbnail totally expecting to see a photographer's reflection in the ball. Very interesting that you did not include yourself! I saw the color version in your portfolio, and while I generally prefer color, I think the B&W works extremely well here. :) KW
  2. Shaun, thank you!


    Tom, thank you! I tried to focus on the girl reaching back for her mom, but even she was going up and down... I'll try your tips, and you are right, it isn't easy!!


    John, the whole carousel was surrounded by a terribly ugly black iron fence, and I couldn't get any shots of the carousel without it. This one was snapped at sunset, which didn't help my exposure any... And do you think I even had the tripod there at all? Ha!


    I think I've said everything on the other two, these work really well together to tell a story, to capture the fleetingness of being a child. The third and final shot, she's walking away, leaving it behind... I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this series!!


    Very nice expression, more hair blowing in the wind, lol! But, I like it. The horizon line also draws my eye, but for me, because it's dark... Excellent light on Julia, the shadows are soft and flattering. And I love her freckles! :) KW


    Lovely portrait, Steve! The leaves against the water look like stained glass... The blue color is beautiful! Julia's face just seems to glow here, and I like the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves. Good color harmony, I think the overall effect is peaceful, clean and quiet... :) KW
  3. Thanks for the comment, John! Beautiful buildings, are they not? :) I have moved from Atlanta now, farther north to Illiois, and I miss it very much! Maybe not the traffic, though... ;)


    As far as things in my images being crooked, they look straight to me when I shoot them! I see the crookedness after uploading. I have tried to become more aware of horizon lines and such when composing my images, but all I can say is, thanks goodness for PP tools! KW


    Mug Shot

    The hole in the middle is curiously bothersome! I want to slide the other mugs down to fill that spot! ;) Great color and variety even in repitition, quite an interesting composition, although I think the neon yellow price stickers detract a bit. I spy the 'photographer' mug!
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