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bernie moore

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Image Comments posted by bernie moore

  1. Samuel, First off: thank you for serving. Sometimes a picture can be more powerful than a rifle-of course you know this. As for the photo above I wonder if it is stitched or just cropped that way? I have a 22" monitor and I can see the whole pic at once and it is stupendous. What a testament of the power of nature. I don't think I have ever seen anything this big move before. Mountains are big, but they don't chase you. Seldom does a camera see what the human eye does, but in this case I think you have come close. Stay safe for the rest of your tour and good luck with college. Warm regards, Bernie (PS) I don't know how it happened but I had an enlargement that went 20" across my screen, even beyond the PN boundaries and I can't duplicate that size again. But I wish others could see it at that size.


    Pierluigi, Nice picture. Soft mood. Subtle lighting. But you must control that highlight in her eye. Tone it down. Also attend to the bow tip and the hotspot on the violin. You're very close to an excellent capture. Regards, Bernie
  2. Floriana, I peeked at your other pics before commenting(which I don't usually do).Your fondness for misty woodscenes and your sense of humor play well together here. An enjoyable pic here in part because at first glance something vaguely seems wrong. Then at closer inspection your phantasmagoric (sorry) humor kicks in and a smile breaks out. In short a delightful creation. Regards, Bernie


    Oktay, What a magnificent composition. There are so many elements in concert here. Color, lighting, reflections, subject, background composition...just great. Regards, Bernie


    Carlo, Have you tried cropping? There seems to be too much peripheral clutter, as in the right side. Might even male a good vertical. Love the lushness of it. Regards, Bernie


    I have seen many pics of icebergs with that light blue cast that is so gorgeous, but this is a real gem. Stunnuing. Regards, Bernie

    Ice Man

    Jeanne, What a wonderful application of your "senior" creativity. The other pics of the "green man" are rather flat and lifeless, but this one is fascinating, even before you see the eye. Then, Kaboom!I had to look back and forth to confirm that it was but stone. Truly a masterful pic. Regards, Bernie

    Near to the sky

    Karoly, Please, a little more light on that beautiful face and tone down the color just a little. I love both the color and the pose. The sky works well, but you have to bring up that the center of attraction is the model's face. Regards, Bernie


    Rachel, everything is so easy in retrospect. Maybe it's my tired old eyes, but the rings look a tad out of focus. I would increase the depth of field by stopping down the aperture and make sure you have a tripod or some way of steadying the camera as the smaller aperture is going to mean a longer shutter speed. The rings need more light to sparkle. I think photoshop has limited ability for corrections here. Might be my own ignorance on that last remark. The pic is a real eyecatcher; mess around with a similar set up and extend the parameters of the limitation you mention earlier. Regards, Bernie


    Roxanne, I like it. We've all been there. I wish it had more depth of field. Seems a static enough situation to get that. Background could be darker too. Still, it is compelling. Regards, Bernie
  3. Tony, after seeing 6 billion sunsets on PN I find this one quite refreshing. The vertical format, the unusual colors, and the clouds come together in a nice counterpoint to the long lean trees. Regards, Bernie PS get rid of the power lines.


    Dobroslawa, What an interesting piece: the dark background with the car headlights for the studio effect. I bet you won't find this in any of the lighting books:) Regards, Bernie

    Alone At Sea

    Steven, I think what makes this rise above the many like it, is the cloud formation with light rays, and the foreground which gives it a very immediate connection. Almost lost between them is the tiny boat looking rather overwhelmed. Nice. Regards, Bernie
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