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bernie moore

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Image Comments posted by bernie moore

    Crystal Morning


    Actually I like it a lot. I like the texture of the weeds and the vertical shadows. Also the trodden snow adds something, too. Maybe you could tone down the sun a bit, reset your levels? Regards, Bernie


    my world

    Dear Bridget, A strangely compelling vision. The muted gray background punches up the center very well. I wish your boat was sailing in the other direction, then I could wish you find safe harbor on your island:) Regards, Bernie
  1. Hmmm..."sit in a comfortable chair having delicious food and good wine and don't even have to leave the chair to take the photo..." Bente, I have been going about this all wrong. Thanks for setting me straight. Now I can aspire to make such great photos. Regards, Bernie

    Bee & Violet

    Antonio, Crackling good. Excellent color and detail. You ended my struggle as to whether I was going to get the 105mm macro from Nikon:) Best Regards, Bernie

    The cat

    Classic feline pose. Hard to get detail on the fluf. Guess that's what makes them such good ambushers:)Nice capture. Regards, Bernie
  2. Vittorio, When I look a a picture I try to see what is there for me, not whether it measures up to some notions of of perfection I have accumulated. By highlighting this photograph, the elves have caused me to look more slowly at a picture that I normally would have glanced at but for a moment. (I tend to like the flashy stuff.)And as the colors and composition began to seep in, I realized that there is more going on there than a spurious glance would yield. The village looks frightened, huddled onto itself in a landscape that is a once barren (vineyards), mysterious, (the loss of detail behind it) melancholic, (the huge dying sky sinking toward the darkness of night)and the contrasting patch of sustaining green left of the village snuggled tight against it. The colors are fading autumnal, that last fling before barren winter. Because of that it evokes a strong emotion in me. I like the photograph, because it speaks to me with several voices. Like friendships, the ones that take longer to develop are in the end, more satisfying. Regards, Bernie (Now I can look at the rest of your work:)

    St. Thomas Ruins

    Welcome, Berry. Good to have you here. I'd like to see this with the color punched up a little. Perhaps contrast and saturation. A bit of cropping might help the viewer focus too. Regards, Bernie

    The Nose!

    I don't like squirrels that raid my bird feeder. See them as rats with bushy tails, and they twitch about like annoying hummingbirds. Can't stand critters that won't sit still. (for photographing?) But I love this. Whenever a pic shows the commonplace in a new perspective or shows me something I've overlooked a thousand times, I am arrested. This capture is above any I seen to date on this critter. Regards, Bernie
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