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Image Comments posted by golden

  1. I think the blurry leaves are fine, i know how it is trying to get shots like this on a breezy day, last fall i went up to the smokey mountain national park in north carolina and came upon a stream something like this, it was in a very dark cove, the only film i had was ilford pan f, exposure time with no filter was like 9 sec. of course i had to stop the lens down a bit for good dof. your dof here is excellent, colors are great, overall a great shot. did you post process a bit or is this directly from the slide?



    I was walking through the woods early this morning, came upon this old

    moss covered tree laying on the ground, happen to have my 150sf lens

    on my RB67, critiques welcome, thanks shot on tri-x 320 b&w

    Small Falls

    I like this shot, very nice composition, 1/8 sec? that water must have been really flowing strong to get that kind of movement at 1/8. The shot wouldnt have been near as nice without the water movement, a dreamy look, keep up the good work

    Milk and honey

    I like the trees in the background, very nice image, like my dear old dad used to say "how would you like to be out there with nothing on but a neck tie?" : ))

    Lake Abraham

    too bad the big mountain wasnt a little more to the left, the composition would have been perfect, nevertheless its a great image, good dof and colors, reminds me of a bob ross painting, good work

    Little Statues


    Hello, these are a couple of little figues that are placed beside a

    tombstone in an old cemetary, shot with an RB67 150mm SF lens

    thanks for looking



    This is a shot from the "Trees By The Stream" series, Crown Graphic

    2 1/4 x 3 1/4 6x9 film back 105mm ektar dev. in rodinal 1:25

    thanks for looking


    nice image with good lighting, i would tilt the camera vertical for portaits, horizontal for landscapes, thts the way i usually do it unless its group shots, the d40 is a great camera, to avoid softness (could be camera shake) up your ISO a stop or two that way you can use a faster shutter speed. if you havnt learned it yet, learn to use your camera in manual mode, you will see a big difference in your images. keep up the good work.

    Hangman game

    I cant seem to get enough of this image! Ive been telling everyone at work about it. Its like the man is in really deep thought because he knows if he misses the letter what will happen, I would like to purchase a copy of this print if possible. contact me if interested. thanks.

    The Nantahala


    This is a shot of the Nantahala River in Western North Carolina, one

    of the finest trout streams in the state. Shot with a Mamiya C330f

    80mm black S lens. Arista Edu Ultra ISO 200 120 film. Scan is

    straight from the negative. No post processing. thanks for looking

  2. This is a scan of a print I made in the darkroom, this log cabin was

    built in the early 1800's. camera was a mamiya c330 65mm lens, the

    diffused light was caused my lens flare which the 65 is notorius for,

    but this time it actually fit the scene, after processing the print I

    buned in the window area for approx 30 sec to preserve a bit of

    detail there. neg was processed in d76. print was burned on an omega

    dII with coldlight and processed in dektol. thanks for looking

    River Of Dreams

    thanks jamie, I agree with you, i do these shots all the time usually to test my shutters, but there was something different about this one. this is a scan straight from the negative, notice on the right side i had some development issues. thanks for the comment
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