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Posts posted by mohammed_abidally

  1. Hi Hin,


    Glad to see your so ecstatic. I was a happy pentax user to for aboiut 25 years with M42 screw on lenses, but moved on to a Canon 30D and some new L glass last year and very happy with my move. Definitely no thoughts of ever turning back, though I have sevretly hidden away my Pentax 50mm 1.4 lens with the thoughts of buying an adapter. I have even seen on ebay adapters which allow the Canon focus confirmation to work. Always wondered whether the effort will be worth it? Seen one review here http://rangefinderforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7640&page=2&pp=35

  2. Hi Mike,


    Your comment is very interesting to me. Recently I did a few prints on Fuji Frontier at a photo lab and it was on Fuji Christal Archive paper and i was quite dissatisfied with the blacks. Black hair kind of looked dark brown. The guys at he lab just told me to try upping he contrast but I did think that was unnatural.


    I must look more closely and Ink Jet Printing. Just worried about the practicalities and and my small personal economy of scale. Usually I just make one or two carefully prepared enlargemnts per month.

  3. RAW can be converted to JPG.


    For better quality you first convert to a 16bit TIFF which is then further processed in PS etc and then converted to 8 bit JPG for final output/storage. However it is good to also archive the RAW files.


    I was also an old Pentax user howver converted to canon last year when I went DSLR. Still have several old M42 lenses...

  4. Hi Ted and thanks for your thoughts. One may wonder why I have brought up such a subject. As a serious amatuer who shoots RAW, there are many occasions like say a kids birthday party or just a family outing etc where I shoot several snapshots. I like to still keep shooting in RAW on these occasions but just don't want to be bothered with the conversion. This is where I have found that using RIT is useful as it does a superior default (as camera JPG) conversion and hey presto I'm done. With ACR I would have to spend a few extra moments tweaking the images because the defaults are just not right. Since I have shot in RAW mode I still retain my flexibility for that perhaps special one in a thousand shot that I may want to enlarge etc.


    I do wish ACR could do a better default conversion, then I could dump the RIT and stick with the superior Adobe workflow.


    I guess all softwares are different and a few pros and cons everywhere.

  5. Hi Guys and thanks your various responses. Seems I have been misunderstood. I am not saying RIT is faster nor am I saying it is better.


    However default conversion, (ie without any custom adjustments) which is same in RIT as the camera JPG if one had shot in JPG mode is better than ACR's default results. So when I want to just convert say 500 images very quickly without any custom adjustments the RIT (or camera JPG) is better.


    I fully agree that the integration between Bridge, ACR, and Photoshop provides superb workflow speed and efficiency and is better when spending a little extra time in custom adjustments.

  6. Hi everyone,


    Just wanted to run some thoughts about the pros and cons of Canon RIT and ACR.


    I have found that Canons bundled software that comes with the 30D, RIT (Raw

    Image task) often gives a better quick conversion compared to ACR (Adobe Camera

    Raw v 3.4 which I use with Bridge). The RIT converted images tend to have more

    vibrance and perhaps nicer colour saturation compared to the ACR converted

    images. ACR does better in auto compensating for exposure errors.The above

    refers to conversions done at default software settings or perhaps with very

    little quick adjustments.


    When I want to give a particular photo some careful TLC I do find that ACR

    offers me much more versatility and generally better results but this does take

    much more time. Overall the ACR/Bridge interface is much better and allows a

    faster workflow when making lots of adjustments etc, however sometimes one just

    wants a quick decent conversion for a lot of pictures without any custom

    adjustments and in this scenario RIT does better.


    Has anyone else felt the same way and do you use RIT for quick "straight of the

    block" conversions?


    I guess one can just shoot JPEG instead but then "I want to keep the cake and

    eat it as well"!


    Shooting JPG + RAW is just too much of a resource hogger.


    Appreciate any thoughts and experiences others may have?

  7. I compared it with a Canon 28-70L and ran some test shots etc and found very little apart from these two lenses. Tamron is very sharp, perhaps better than Canon when stopped down to about f4 and at about 50mm -70mm is the sweet range. At say f2.8 and 28mm it is not so good as the Canon. Have heard that this lens can have some bad copies though I was satisfied with mine.
  8. IMHO 400D vs 20D/30D/40D is a no contest.


    Most important features are the shooting frame rate and the overall durability. Mega pixels is very cheap today - even tiny P&S's have 9mp! Difference in print size between a 8 and 10mp is very little (without uprezz 11.5" vs 12" on longer side).

  9. Hi


    The unified forum view has a small problem since last few days. The google adds

    are stuck at the top and pushing all the forum topics down off the page. In

    order to view the topics one has the now scroll way down the page. Previously

    the Google adds were on the left side and forum topics appeared on the right

    side from the very top of the screen. Hope this can be fixed.



  10. Hi Jason


    "Without uprezzing" would be a simple mathematical calculation of your image size divided by the output dpi. Typially printes are made at 300dpi but 240 is sufficient. So 3504/240 is 14.6" on the longer side.


    IMHO you can easily double this - 200% with uprezzing on a 30D file and even 300% is not bad at all.

  11. Of recent I am really getting a few shock at reports of unavailablity of Canon spares for older models. 20D is actually not even that old. I also saw someone complaining about spares (USM) for a old 500mm 4.5 lens, supposed to be fabulous glass. Surely canon should still support these high quality products and not drop them because they are just old.


    As a Canon user I am getting concerned. Will my proposed 400mm 2,8 IS be serviced 15 years later? After all these are once in a life time investments.

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