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Image Comments posted by sweeney

    Young & old

    Another shot of yours with nice contrast in the main elements of your frame. The young and the old. You can almost read the old womans mind, thinking of bygone days.

    furious fight

    Great shot. I love the closed eyes on the dog on the left. This is so taboo in America but it is also so pure. These dogs look a little like mine (pictures of him on my page) only mine is bred for lovin' not killing. Wonderful picture along with the rest of your fantastic portfolio.

    The King

    I'm torn. I love the fact you can see the flies on the lion and flying around him. At the same time I find them very distracting from the beautiful lion. The profile is fantanstic. I might try a tighter crop and see how that looks.


    Andrew, I agree. This is a pretty lousy shot. As I was trying to catch people at work in Italy I took this. Unfortunately I missed him finishing up by about 2 minutes and I would have had him at least appear to be working had there not been a huge language barrier. I think he was carrying a laptop, odd. I think most of all I liked the way the lighting turned out in this and not so much the pose. It is grainy and was probably about ISO 800. Thanks for the comments.


    Beautiful shot with awesome tonal range. I think maybe a little dodging in the front would add a little more detail to the foreground but I love the shot anyways. Nice work.
  1. I like the composition and the square format. I like how the cliff takes the eyes down to the orange sky. My only complaint, and I've run into this myself as a new PS user, is that there is a bit of a halo along the ridge line where the two images are merged. It is noticeable in the small frame and even more so at large window. Great shot though otherwise.
  2. From a firefighters/photographer perspective, great shot. I remember this fire. Think my dept. (Salinas Rural) sent some equipment there. That was a big one. You must be local Santa Cruz? I enjoyed the rest of your portfolio. I would love your thoughts on any of my stuff as I am very new to the DSLR world and fairly inexperienced in photo overall. Nice work all around thanks for sharing with the underlings!


    Neat concept, I like it. Perhaps a little blending in of the actual windmill and it's texture would be neat, instead of just the cropping of the shape
  3. Pretty model. Quite honestly a poor job with the blurring, especially around the edges. It is obviously not done with large aperture. Doesn't look natural. Maybe less blurring and more care around the edges would work better. Also I do find the leaf distracting. I like the complimentary color but it's so big. I hope you don't mind my honest evaluation.


    I like this shot very much. The green is just right, not too saturated. I also like the square format for this shot. I think it might work better though with the rock at the very bottom cropped out just leaving the large one and the ones in the background. Just my thoughts.
  4. Great sillouette shot of this beast. I spent four years in the USN working on the MH-53E. Man do I miss the rumble that came along with those seven blades beating the air to submission. This is the most amazing piece of machinery I have been around. Very nice shot. I should post some of my old stuff from the Navy.
  5. I am a firefighter and yes these calls are the worst. Any type of trauma with a child is wrenching. Good shot and I agree that at times these are good to raise awareness.

    On a lighter note, I think the guy on the right needs a smaller shirt. Or did they just run out of XL's that day ;}

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