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Image Comments posted by sweeney

  1. I think the brutality is that the cop was shot at in the first place. I say he's lucky he's walking, period. Unfortunately we have entered a time in our society when the people we put in place to protect us are afraid to do their job for fear of some lawyer putting them away. Anyways it is a very good picture.
  2. Mostly I'm curious how you go about approaching someone like a mother in this situation for permission. Was this an assignment for a paper? Great shot. The mothers hand is critical in linking the girl to another person in that she is not the only one effected.

    Icy Trampoline Jump

    What a great shot. I give you a 7 for originality on this one. I felt cold just looking at it. I can feel the ice going down my neck. Nice lighting as well. The flashed was used well.

    Morning Bath

    Yes I think the composition works well and does lead the eye through the shot. And I absolutely love the tones in the shot. It's a calming picture. It makes me wonder how warm/cold the water was. Very nice!
  3. I like the shot and I like the person in the frame. He give a sense of size. I do think you could have a bit lighter in the shadows and the mid-tones in the top center of the frame seem very flat to me. Could be my monitor. Overall a great shot.

    Bare Trees

    Nice shot Byron. I think that the trees would be better having a bit more detail in the bark, or completely blacked out. Great shot though, really caught my eye.

    Seattle skyline

    This compostion works really well. I love the parallel between buildings and the containers. The lighting is balanced well. Great shot of an otherwise uninteresting subject (the containers). Well done.

    Sea wolf 2

    I like the shot but I think that it would be even better in a more natural state without so much PS. Ohterwise it is great with nice color and interesting subject
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