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Posts posted by austinphoto

  1. I've shot a wedding at the Brooklyn aquarium. You have to get there and judge the setup. Any advice given here will only guide you with ideas. The actual lighting and setup will be determined by what's there. When shooting into glass, always shoot at an angle. I had my light man light up the fish from outside the frame. His flash was put against the glass and lit the background with slow shutter speed. Of course, I had to wait till a lot of fish showed up.

    Good luck.

  2. It's a changed world. When we used cameras and film, everything had to be done correctly and there was no chance of reshooting a wedding. Today, with digital cameras, chances of getting photos exposed correctly are at over 90%. Anyone can do it! Getting beautiful photos, that's where a professional photographer excells at. But, at today's rates, most people want snapshots. So be it! I was a guest at a wedding, and the DJ was providing the photography. A girl dressed in black with a snaphappy digital PS. All night she was just walking around and taking candids of people looking at her. The bride and groom were very happy with the results, which were shown on a screen that night and later given to them on CD. DJ made some extra money, no photographer on the job. But, there were no photos of any family members, bride and groom, just candids. What you define as "crappy" was something the bride and groom were perfectly happy with. That's where the industry is going. Unfortunately, it will take 20 or 30 years, when the cd's are broken, unreadable and lost or not backed up for people to realize that all their history is gone! I think we need to change our thinking about this. Digital is here, but tomorrow it will be gone. Every Tom Dick and Harry just wants to make some $$$ and give a CD. A professional photographer will work to make sure the memories last a lifetime. That's what we should be concentrating on. High quality and something that will be here in the future. You get what you pay for!
  3. If you can do it the answer should be "sure, my pleasure". As long as you're getting paid and you have the time and ability, why not. It always pays to be nice. If it's a problem, while you are busy shooting you can always say "I'd be happy to as soon as I finish with......." You get to score more points by not being bothered with BS. I've been asked many times and have always been happy to oblige. Why let little things bother you? We're here to work and help each other out. Many times, the guests have helped me move chairs and equipment. It goes both ways.
  4. If you really want to go very cheap, and I've done it many times before, go to a 5 and 10 cent store and buy wrapping paper, which should cost no more than $3. Use scotch tape, turned double sided and past to a wall and run another line to fill in your space. Works Beautifully. Very Cheap!
  5. Sounds like he's shot your wedding and spent the money that you have paid him and doesn't have much in his account to finish the job. If I were you, I would just confront him, demand your album and make sure that you have a large balance due to pay him for the finshed job. Tell him that you will not pay until you pick up.

    What a shame that it's gotten to this. You already know what type of a guy he is. Don't pay him any more! Payment in full on delivery! that should be your aim. Most photographers are honost and hard working and more than go out of their way to satisfy their clients. Every wedding is an opportunity for more work to be gotten. If he has disappointed you, he will continue to do so. Good luck!

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