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Image Comments posted by defpitch


    im a sucker for photos of string instruments like this. especially when they are done well (which this is). the angle is great as are the tones and shadows. nicely done.



    this is one of my fav photos b/c of the mood captured. im not sure

    if this appeals to everyone or if its just me. but i would love to

    hear thoughts/feelings/comments. as always, thank you for your

    comments, they are much appreciated.



    thanks for stopping and taking the time to comment.


    Giuseppe, your advice is very appreciated. i will def keep the f-stop technique in mind next time.


    David, as for the lock that?s the way i found it. i could probably do w/o the "master" label being so prominent but i didn?t want to manipulate it. i don?t really like "setting" up a scene, i'd rather just capture it for what it is. and i agree with the -space. i feel have a tendency to do that.


    Rosmini, thank you for the compliment, it is very encouraging.

  1. Thanks for stoping and taking a look. Now that my quota has expanded i was able to add a few more photos from chicago, feel free to take a look at those too. I still gotta get down there to take some pictures of the bean tho. It's just got to cool off first.


    Thanks for the comments.

    Rainy sunset

    This caught my eye b/c only a week or 2 ago i was playing around with the idea of creating two sun sets from the same moment too (only using diff white balance). I like the idea here and the rain drops add a nice element. Nicely done.
  2. I like this picture a lot, but i think i would have liked this better with the full bench in the frame. Is this the full picture? Have you tried cropping it with the entire bench in the frame, or maybe even cropping out the space to the right and just leaving the bench as the subject with the wall above it? Otherwise nicely done.




    ummm....ok thanks? not sure what your trying to say.




    Thank you for your comment, and taking the time to view my pic. I do have a few other pics of this w/o the grass in front of it. I'll take another look at those. But what i liked about this one is that it gave more depth to the picture. I felt like i could reach into it. But perhaps it could have been positioned bettter. Thanks again.




    Very cool picture. At first glance its hard to determine what's part of the foreground and what is part of the background...or if its all just one object. I like that. I like how weathered the building in the background is. I took a look at the rest of your photos. You have some nice industrial pics there. Where are these located if you don?t mind sharing?



    Four Clothespins


    Ya, it gets a bit soft at the bottom of the left two but that gets tricky at certain angels. I?m still learning that myself. However I really like the picture. I like how you got the sun to highlight the cobwebs/spider webs. It?s a nice touch and really makes the photograph. Great shot.





    critique would be much appreciated.


    Hardly any photoshoping done. To get the effect i used two diff white

    balances to get the diff color tones. And i dropped the brightness to

    darken the foreground.


    I really like this photo. It has a great feel. It would have been great if he was singing into one of those big old school mic's.
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