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Image Comments posted by defpitch

    fire in the sky


    kind of a self portrait. it was such a foggy night that night i had

    to go out and take some pics. this is one of the photos i got that

    night. any thoughts? opinions? suggestions?

  1. thanks for the comment. the exposure wasn't too awful long. looking back at the trails i would say no more then 4 seconds. had to use the guard rail as my tripod :). ya i should have prob mention larger is much better on this pic. the break trials get very distorted otherwise.
  2. this was one of my very very first pics when i started in

    photography. the first thing i wanted to do was take one of these

    cheesy/cliche blured street photos. haha, i like to think im getting

    better, but i do like the street lights in the pic. what do you guys



    i was trying something like this with the exact same kind of flower but i was trying to white out the background. I think you were pretty successful at what youve done. any tips/tricks you could share? i was seriously going through witn an eraser on every edge using PS CS2. i know theres gotta be a better way, but im still new at the photo editing thing.



    Ya it does take patience, its been a lot of luck with some of mine. this one the bee flew there when i bent down to take the pic, then i just took as many as i could. so far its been a lot of trial and error as im still new to photography in general. The one thing i really like about macro is that its always around.


    as for my lens i have, its the standard nikor 18-55mm lens that came with the d50. not really the best for this stuff but it makes due. I know they do make special macro lenses, but i dont have that cash flow in my life right now.


    i don't think anything substitutes for film. if you can master it its prob the best medium. But i wouldnt trade my d50 for the world. i like how i can take 200 pics in one sitting and try out all sorts of diff things, not worrying about wasting film/money. plus if you got a decent computer you got your own digital dark room. so its really a toss up. if film is what you like, then perfect what you love.


    thanks for the comment.

    50 Years

    hey ted. thanks for the comment. great portfolio, but this pic really stands out(in a good way). it has a lot of heart to it, captured a good moment. what inspired the lighting technique?


    thanks for the comments. this was a tough one to get. i was surprised at the detail that i got on it. this was a really really small flower and that is a sweat bee. im surprise i didnt ruin it with camera shake or anything.

    Early Morn


    thanks for the comment on my photo. took a peek at your portfolio and this one really caught my eye. i think you nailed it with the reflections, the low angle and the waves rolling in. its very calming picture. nice shot





    cool shot good colors. im still learning macro so i guess take my critique for what its worth. I do like the colors, and i like the blurred out background. however the flower itself is a bit out of focus. especially up toward the top, gets a little grainy too. but this looks like an actual print you scanned in so it could be just that. but i think a dif aperture could help sharpen things up a bit, maybe a tripod(but i find that hardly lends itself to the situation most times).




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