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Image Comments posted by defpitch

  1. im a beginner with ps too. like the idea. the blurring could be a bit distracting and the layer of the stained glass could be blended in a bit more. try taking the eraser and lowering the hardness (maybe even the flow) and carefully try to blend it in.
  2. i like this a lot. the floor has a great reflection. i like the everyone coming and going. i wish i could see more of the words hanging from the ceiling tho. a lower angle maybe? but at the same time i like it at standing height...the same level as the people in the picture.


    i like the idea. the darkness and grittyness of the pic but i think more croping on the top and bottom could help. and maybe if the entire window was in teh frame. try the pic landscape instead of vertical next time.



    no. these are construction work lights that blink on and off. so the lighting was random, but that?s what i was going for. sporadic lights on and off. i was struggling with composition on this one. i liked the close up of the lights but here the same pic but with less crop. not crazy about it (too much space to the left maybe). What do you think about it...


    thanks for the comment


    Blown Glass


    Maybe cropping in on a specific section. there is just a lot going on. i dont think the lines from the glass table they are sitting on add anything. the area with the blue is a little dark. Maybe more lighting from the top? but i think overall a crop like this (just a quick example) might work better?

  3. Critiques appreciated. To get the white background i over exposed

    the image until the statue was the only thing left. Then i brought

    down the brightness on the subject itself, and did a bit of burning

    in PS (not selective...over all to make the shadows pop a bit more).

    How did i do?



    hey paul. i just looked at your portfolio. you have an awesome style to your pictures man. everything from the kind of washed out colors to your use of motion blur to the simplicity of most of your photos. you definitely have a type of style where next time i take a look at the critique forum i could say "thats a typaldos pic" before i even looked at the name. you definitely have a way of capturing everyday life and making it look interesting. keep up the good work.





    very nice. good detail, would love to see a huge blow up print of this. i like how the dome is centered and very symmetrical but the rest of the structure breaks up the order of things. good composition.

    Tickle the Barn

    wow. i liked the colors on the other one, but the composition of this one is even better! it almost looks like the photo itself is breaking apart. great lightning collection dale.
  4. Great capture. Colors are great. I have always wanted to try and get a shot like this, but dont know how to go about it. When taking photos like this is it mostly luck that you standing in the right direction? these happen so quick. and how do you protect your camera from rain?

    Cumberland Station


    Hey Brian. love this picture. works very well centered like this. i like the symmetry. the mood is great. i feel like someone with a trench coat should be stepping off the train. has that very early gangster feeling to it, especially being that it was taken in chi town. i only wonder what it would have looked like if one of the trains was moving


    thanks for the comment,


    ...at the end


    I spent a lot of time trying to frame this one right. Tried to

    center the image but couldnt get it to look right. The whole tunnel

    was at a slight lean throwing off the grid pattern. I thought this

    looked better . Plus I wanted to try something different with the

    lines toward the picture, and this seemed to work for me.


    I would love to know what you guys thing about it. And any opinions

    or suggestions. Thanks all.

    onyx 3

    I like this one the best. not a big fan of the inverse effects. the color on this is good and the fish eye makes it look like a lot more booze which is cool. i would center the shot a bit more next time though to make it more symmetrical...or at least crop it a bit more on the right side.
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